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The consequences of unequal wealth distribution…


Obama and his regime have definitely worked their “black” magic, and it is now difficult for any sane individual to be convinced America will ever return to it’s pre-Obama status. The most costly aspects, American’s personal income, national debt and a significant portion of America’s overall military and defense capacity has all but evaporated since January of 2009, when Obama began to facilitate his Post-American World.” as  “… the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal.”

OECD Fears Middle Class Civil Unrest Is Coming

via ZeroHedge

This idea that we live in a world where government cares about us is just the biggest propaganda ever. Everyone one will only pursue their own self-interest. The OECD has interesting come out and warned that if governments are unable to stop the transfer of wealth to a small financial elite, the displeasure of the dispossessed middle class could easily turn and go against the prevailing governmental systemsThe Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has claimed to have discovered the existence of a veritable “lumpenproletariat” in the supposedly rich Germany. Even though the systems attempt to provide citizens with bread and circuses in the traditional Roman style to keep them quiet, such  tactics they warn may have now become obsolete after the ultimate circus is over – the World Cup.

The problem with all of these studies is the look at class warfare and not at the consumption of government. They do not follow the breadcrumbs. What if you take everything from the elites? Who will start businesses to create jobs? Who will be left to take as government pensions keep ticking away. In Germany, it has now surpassed 50% of the average persons labor goes to taxes.
There are a host of books coming out all about just taxing the rich more ignoring reducing the cost of government. The German bestseller “The plunder of the world” presents just another socialist agenda arguing that the rich get richer even in times of crisis, while the consequences of a crisis are always carried by the lower-income groups and the middle class. It fails to explain that the rich get richer from investment, not wage income. This is an argument to effective tax investment substantially to even out the disparity? But who then creates the jobs that produce anything? Is it that those who invest unfairly make money when the others pay too much in taxes and do not invest? Anyone who thinks that these books are real must be insane. If you think for one second raising the taxes on the rich will mean your taxes will decline – good luck. In Germany, Tax Freedom Day has passed the 50% and even in Canada it is now June 9, 2014. In the United States it is April 21st for 2014.
In France, the magazine Challenges has determined that the richest Frenchmen saw their assets in 2013 rise by 15% since they benefit from the profits in foreign companies. There is no discussion that government consumes too much – EVER!
German Debt Int%

The consequences of unequal distribution of wealth in the world is becoming the tipping point argued and funded by governments to blame the rich – never government. Nobody seems to be doing the math that if you confiscate all that wealth you end up with communism with taxation and government just keeps growing until it consumes everything. We borrow with no intent of paying anything back and that about 70% of the national debts is all interest that built no schools, reduced nobody’s tax bills, and did nothing for the middle class. This is fairly consistent in all major countries. Governments are trying to push interest rates exceptionally lower to reduce their deficits exploiting the middle class creating a disincentive to save even for retirement when it pays next to nothing.

The OECD is now warning like Picketty that a growing gap between rich and poor will erupt into revolution – not that government is taxing too much. According to the words of the OECD Secretary General Jose Angel Gurria, the problem since the global financial and economic crisis has exacerbated massive. “In the first three years of crisis, inequality increased more than in the twelve years before, “he told the Business Week”. On average across OECD countries, the top 10% of the population now earn 9.5 times as much as the lowest 10% but fail to explain this is from investment. Inequality has grown by 35% because stock markets are rising to escape from the craziness of government. The higher they rise, the greater the disparity.

The OECD claims this is clearly felt in the USA more so than Europe omitting the fact that the disparity comes from investment not wages. They they compare that to Europe claiming there is no welfare state in Europe so somehow this is implied to be better. The OECD then highlights supposedly rich Germany as a dangerous development with a rising disparity stating this is “namely that it is a lumpenproletariat, a very poorly trained and poorly paid part of the Arbeiterschich.

The argument now is the middle class civil unrest they know is coming is simply because they have not confiscated the wealth of the investors they call the financial elites. So if you invest and make any money, you are the new financial elites – sorry it is anyone who now invests. Michael Maier’s The plunder of the world is another book released to justify plundering the financial elites without actually identifying who they are. Sorry – it is you.

See also:  2014: Obama’s America

There is a financial concept, that illustrates if a business or family starts out with $100,000 dollars and loses half of it, it will take 100% of that amount the next year to replace the loss. If those funds drop to $50,000 from $100,000, the business or family will have to double that $50,000 just to get back to where they were. This is why it’s so hard to recoup money after its been lost

This concept works along these same lines in the global financial dynamic. The advances, the political capital, the geopolitical footing attained during and since WWII, could be considered as America’s peak power.

Now, think about it, how much of that power has been squandered or burnt off during the last six years of the Obama regimes Post-American Project?

Regardless of the percentages, America and it people will have to earn 100% more credibility than it has now. Considering this administration’s track record on waste and frivolous spending, and the global perceptions regarding the reliability of the United States now and the implications for the future, that is going to be near impossible to achieve.

Such man-caused disasters and events clearly describe the world crumbling; America’s falling apart and disintegrating; to the point Obama’s re-election is the best indication of that overall process. He was then no longer a token with a funny Muslim middle name, who put on the trappings and facade of a minority American to win the White House; he was openly communist, covertly Muslim, and his re-election showed more clearly than anything else in America’s history that two large segments of the country have little to nothing at all in common. Worse, one of them is fully reliant on the other for it’s parasitic income; workfare and welfare recipients will always vote against those who fund their very existence, and when they do, they will always push for more funding, even as it leads to their own murders and death to their own communities.

Perhaps the next round to be seen will make WWII look like a stroll in the forest, even if has been burned to the ground and the earth salted behind it. There is no doubt in a future time, historians somewhere will one day count how many millions of people were murdered, destroyed, infected, and betrayed by Obama-the-Muslim from Indonesia’s Post-American Venue” along with his actions and/or purposeful lack thereof, and America’s complicit, elite, and full exempt bureaucrats elected by the people to fraudulently represent them as their Congress.

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