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Lessons Best Learned, Truths Often Censored

When it comes down to elitism and political partisanism, those paying any attention will clearly see the lessons presented in examples of Cicero, Socrates and numerous others of those who encounter life and death in the zero-sum arena of these political games and circuses.

At our own leisure we may peer through the widow, just as those character’s of Orwell’s Animal Farm did and clearly observe the characters at the table, and how the Political sausage is being made.

Don’t fool yourself, politicians are never real “friends” and are only to be trusted at our own fate, while our freedoms slowly dissolve before our very eyes.

History has a way of repeating itself regardless of the backdrops or all the conjured up rainbows of delusion and mythical unicorns and beasts splashed across the landscape of virtual realities. Things do look much different through the looking glass, you know.

Beware The Ides of October

Another symptom of Schizokinesis: An Extrinsic Conflagration and a festering Inferno?

The sign of a totalitarian or authoritarian state is a media that feels no responsibility to investigate and to find the truth, accepting the role of propagandist instead. The entire Western media has been in the propaganda mode for a long time. In the US the transformation of journalists into propagandists was completed with the concentration of a diverse and independent media into six mega-corporations that are no longer run by journalists. [Paul Craig Roberts], Do Americans Live In A False Reality Created By Orchestrated Events? (2016)]

Related: Conspiracy Theories Designed to Hide the Real Conspiracy (2017)

The world is moving from anger to indifference, from anti-Americanism to post-Americanism. The fact that new powers are more strongly asserting their interests is the reality of the post-American world. It also raises the political conundrum of how to achieve international objectives in a world of many actors, state and non-state. –Fareed Zakaria, The Post-American World, 2008.


Will the person or persons who wrote that vile speech please step forward?
By Patricia McCarthy
Published: September 4, 2022
American Thinker (edited)

Surely, they must be proud of their work.  One might expect them to admit authorship and enjoy bragging rights.  But no, no one has claimed credit for what will come to be known as the most infamous speech ever delivered by an American President.  Whoever they were, they need to be identified and fired for they are enemies of America.

Oh, we all get that the goal was to drive Trump supporters into the streets to wreak violence in the style of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, those thugs who are allowed to destroy entire cities without being charged with any crimes.  That was abundantly clear.

The left badly wants an excuse to accuse Republicans of the kinds of violence those left-supported groups commit on a regular basis.  But conservatives simply do not behave that way.  On the whole, Trump supporters are more evolved than the street goons the leftists cheer.   Biden claimed that Trump’s supporters are violent but given Kamala’s support for the rioters of the summer of 2020, it is the left that incites violence and participates in it, and then bails out the perpetrators.

Roger Simon wonders who wrote it as well.  John Meacham?  Jeff NussbaumVinay Reddy?  Biden’s chief of Staff Ron Klain?  Or some young, university-indoctrinated communist whose name we’ve yet to learn?  Simon, too, wants to know “…who put those evil, incendiary words in Biden’s all-too-complaisant mouth?”  Why aren’t they willing to take credit for their inflammatory words?  Hmmm.

The three broadcast networks refused to carry the speech.  No doubt they had advance knowledge of its text and chose wisely not to air such a rabid, demagogic speech.  They probably did not even know that the staging would be Hitler-esque.  And yet perhaps it would have been better if many millions of Americans had seen the speech.  They might have been oh-so-harshly awakened as to just who Joe Biden is – a puppet of some very bad people who do not have America’s best interests at heart.  But alas, the media will protect the treacherous Bidens and their handlers no matter how much damage they do.

Like the rest of the demented left – Pelosi, Schumer, etc. – Biden kept saying “our democracy is in danger.”  Yet the word “democracy” is not mentioned in the Constitution.  We are a representative republic, not a direct democracy.  As for “equality,” the other word Biden kept reiterating, as the left tries to legislate equality, an impossibility, we are now less equal than ever.

The imposition of DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) has made us all just cogs in a color-coded machine that either punishes or rewards based on the notion that all people must be categorized by race.

Oh, and then there is the left’s aggressive and offensive drive to transform as many children as possible into transgendered children, made sterile with cross gender hormones and surgically mutilated, if possible, the younger the better. This latter of their campaigns is the very worst and the most barbaric. Joe Biden is on board with all of it proving his commitment to the destruction of America as founded.

Given the fact that whoever wrote that repugnant speech is not stepping forward to take credit for his/her/ or their work, one has to wonder if it is because they are shocked by the largely negative reaction to it? Or perhaps they knew that it would offend the millions of Trump supporters it was meant to offend; they may be proud of the speech but cowardly.

One thing is certain: they did Biden no favor. Anyone who saw, heard, or read the speech now knows without a doubt that Joe Biden is an even nastier piece of work than previously known. He and his speech writing pals are a blight on our political scene, more than any previous President and staff. Biden is the most anti-American president in US history, which is saying a lot given Obama’s disdain for America and its people. May the nation survive the traitors who hold power today.

See Also:  The recipe for a Democrat October surprise

Photo credit: Twitter screen shot.

© American Thinker 2022

Blame and Guilt have been in the past, and as it is now, being used to proficiently control various segments of society. This is nothing new and its methods have been applied for centuries. Bare in mind, there is plenty of guilt being spread around, especially in today’s world of “social (in) justices,” and if there isn’t, someone can and will be certain that there is still an overabundance of rules, regulations and laws to be made up, that can insure everyone in some way or another will be found guilty of something or other. If that doesn’t work, there is also the use of inquisitional methods to assure some confessor is guilty even if they are under duress. For these particular individuals, the goal is to remove the party permanently from society because they may shake up the false myths with some form of reality. That’s just the way things have operated in the past and from objective observation, the way they still do now. Surely such a method will work until individual’s begin to rebel and those societies actually implode and collapse upon themselves. Such events do tend to be somewhat apocalyptic nature.

• • •

With ‘Governments’ The Biggest Mass Murderers In History, And These Commies Loving Their ‘False Flags,’ Beware A Massive False Flag Dead Ahead To Finish The Destruction Of America
By Stefan Sanford
Published: September 2, 2022
All News Pipeline (edited)

While I made sure to retire to bed early on Thursday night to avoid the election-stealers babbling as if it were itself distributing the plague via the airwaves, a Daily Mail story that Steve Quayle linked to on his website reporting on the ‘Biden babbling‘ summed up what I knew would be coming, with Biden calling President Trump supporters a ‘threat to Democracy‘ while his deep state cronies plan out their next false flag terrorist attack upon Americans, to be blamed upon the same MAGA that ‘brain-dead-biden’ was demonizing.

With it quite obvious to all but the completely dumbed down that the 2020 election was stolen out from under America’s noses by globalists who DO NOT have ‘America’sbest interests in mind during that late night election shutdown, we’ve arrived at the point of time Tucker Carlson just called ‘a turning point in American historyas heard in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, with Biden quite literally calling for a ‘one-party‘ America. Yet Biden is more than happy to ‘keep’ the uni-party that keeps on launching all of the false flag terror attacks upon the rest of the country while they’re lying to our faces daily about everything. 

Helping to show why one of the most recent Gallup polls showed Americans trust and confidence in ‘the presidency,‘ Congress and just about all ‘major institutions‘ are down to historic lows, even CNN blasted Biden for using the US military as the backdrop of his ‘huge speech‘ (although they were caught color-shifting his hell-red stage to a more neutral pink.) Yet can’t you see Biden using the US military as his and the Democrats own personal ‘prop weapons‘ against the American people, in full violation of Posse Comitatus?

With several different ANP commenters pointing out in our comment sections that numerous people are talking about how ‘Biden’s babbling‘ is setting America up for the next huge false flag as the globalists seek to complete the demonization of MAGA and forever end putting America first (who in their right minds would ‘support‘ govt when they’re using American taxpayer money to support illegal immigrants and launch false flag terror attacks upon Americans?), we’ll be taking a look within this story at all of the signs now pointing at something huge coming down the pike at us at a time when Biden and the communists are intentionally collapsing America and our way of life all across the board.

As the Geller Report pointed out in this new story of Biden’s babbling, surrounded by military with a blood-red background, Benedict Biden has incited violence against half of the country, the half that didn’t vote for him and truly know in our hearts and our minds that he and his clan of Communists stole it.

And we shouldn’t be the least bit surprised that Biden’s babbling happened on the night of September 1st with that date being the kick off of World War II decades ago and, as pointed out by a reader via email to us, the satanic, warmongering globalists loving to do rituals on dates that they hold dear, so the date of Biden’s speech to go along with this particular topic was very deliberate.

With JD Vance over at Fox News pointing out that Biden basically used his speech to declare war upon half the country, with Conservatives and Christians clearly the targets of Biden’s ire, how long will it be until Americans are witnessing from our own homes the F-15’s that Biden spoke of the other day, that ‘WE the American people‘ payed for, raining down hell from above if the Biden cabal doesn’t like you?

In the first video we’ve embedded at the bottom of this story, Steve Quayle joins Doug Hagmann of the Hagmann Report to discuss ‘Battlefield USA‘ and where we’re heading now with Biden using his personal platform, paid for by the American people, to incite violence against half the country.

Check out the four top-voted comments below from this Daily Mail story reporting on Tucker Carlson’s warning that Biden wants to turn America into a one party system.:

LogicalYank, Pleasant Area, United States: “Tucker nailed it a usual and that folks is the reason he’s #1 according to Nielson viewership. Well #2 the FIVE is #1, only MSNBC had a showing at #8 in the top 15 with FOX dominating viewership ratings. Go Tucker!”

ToyFox, Somewhereinthe, United States: Biden is either pure evil or an angry, combative old coot riddled with dementia.”

Ral50, Florida , United States: “What a disgrace! Biden is truly an evil senile fool!

Anita Break, Up Here, United States: Biden has gone full blown N A Z I!

So while Biden declares President Trump supporters as ‘a threat to Democracy’ while surrounded by the US Military and an intentionally blood red stage, as the website America First Report asked in this story, will Biden’s remarks spark a Civil War or a ‘Revolution’? Certainly Tucker Carlson summed up Biden’s remarks perfectly from this Liberty Daily story.:

“The threat is not coming from barefoot religious extremists in caves. It’s not the Chinese government. It’s not even Vladimir Putin himself, the most diabolical and evil man in history. No, ladies and gentlemen, this threat is worse than all of that, and it’s homegrown. As they say in the horror movies, ‘It’s coming from inside the house.’ 

“The single gravest threat to America today is Republican voters, all 77 million of them. They are Nazis and destroyers of democracy. They must be stopped. That is the message of Joe Biden’s speech. 

“He referred to MAGA forces apparently marshaling at a Red Lobster near you to take over this country. To underscore how deeply Joe Biden means all this, tonight’s address in Philadelphia is not being categorized as a campaign event ahead of the midterm elections, which is what it looks like. No. He said this speech has the ‘fool’ sponsorship of the White House. 

“In other words what Joe Biden is saying right now is the official position of the entire executive branch of the U.S. government. That includes the Justice Department, the various intel agencies, and the world’s most powerful standing military.

“Think about that. Does it make you nervous? You don’t have to be a Trump voter to see a speech like this as a turning point in American history. For hundreds of years the U.S. has had a political system comprised of two competing parties. If you are to declare one party criminal and illegitimate, what would you be left with? You would be left with a one-party state. That is what Joe Biden is calling for tonight: a one-party state. It’s shocking.” 

With Biden clearly the face of Communism in 2022 America while the FBI is the new KGB, as Mike Adams over at Survival.News pointed out in this August 30th story, it’s all breaking down now in stunning speed, and we cannot forget the history of the military industrial complex planning to use false flag terrorism to help them achieve their political objectives as even wikipedia confirms in this entry. Think the Biden cabal wouldn’t try something like this again to further demonize MAGA?

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against American citizens that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for CIA operatives to both stage and actually commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba. 

The possibilities detailed in the document included the remote control of civilian aircraft which would be secretly a repainted US Air Force plane,  the possible assassination of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.

And with Kennedy dead within a year and a half after he rejected those proposals another ‘coup‘ that the history books will never tell us about, who wouldn’t put it past generally the same devils going out and covertly assassinating politicians, of course using their own mind-controlled slaves to do it, and use such tactics to demonize anything or anyone who puts America first. From this Mike Adams story.:

The western world is breaking down with stunning speed as all the lies, delusions, corruption and fake fiat money printing has reached a tipping point of collapse. Nothing works anymore. The governments of the world are criminal cartels that are deliberately dismantling food and energy resources necessary to keep half the human population alive. This coming winter, Europeans are going to starve and freeze to death in record numbers that hearken back to the Dark Ages, pre-electricity and pre-fossil fuels. North Americans won’t be spared either, as rolling blackouts and food scarcity will dramatically worsen in the coming months. 

Food, fertility, energy, transportation and supply chains are all being taken down in a controlled demolition of the western world. And taking its place will be the rising BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and more to join soon) that control most of the world’s commodities, natural gas, oil, fertilizer and gold. 

Western governments are waging genocidal wars against their own people 

Informed Americans are fleeing US cities as lawlessness and violence take hold. The FBI and DOJ have been fully weaponized into a lawless crime cartel that terrorizes America’s conservatives. The CDC, FDA and WHO continue to push deadly “vaccine” shots that are killing people by the millions, and Big Tech — which we now know rigged the 2020 election by censoring the true story of Hunter Biden’s laptop — is pushing woke transgenderism while protecting groomers, child mutilators and abortion mass murderers.

So with America quickly headed towards repeating some of the darkest times in history, and governments historically the biggest mass murderers of them all, all eyes on the Brandon Biden clan as 2022 winds down and we head towards winter, with the globalists more than happy to carry out another devastating false flag here in America if it helps them accomplish their obvious political objective, the complete destruction of anything ‘MAGA‘ as they attempt to consolidate their tyranny.

Stefan Sanford, All News Pipeline

Multi-Dimensional Thoughts in the curvature of Mental Space

Mind time cannot be measured on a watch.

The nature of a mental construct arrives within our independent spatial temporal perspective a posteriori. This is not to imply the concept of extension and continuity may not have formed it’s existence in latent sensual experiences formed within that mind; yet, that in asserting that the necessity for appealing to our concept of these particular spatial-temporal positions seems to have in totality, arisen from our biased, or otherwise sensory experiences themselves.

Thus, it is probable that belief formation in causal connections will arise from our abilities to produce and deconstruct certain sense impressions at leisure through the conscious actions of our wills. If we are honestly led to inquire into the true nature of the facts of the hypotheses and beliefs, which seem to be the prerequisite for accurate knowledge to be established. A more sophisticated analysis of scientific syntheses is required in enabling us to have a better understanding on how this manifold form of mentality proceeds.


Physics Explains Why Time Passes Faster As You Age (2019)

 What we get wrong about time (2019)


Spatial-temporal Dimensionality

The study of mass mental epidemics explains the changeability of the masses. Perhaps it is more difficult to cause mass contagion among more civilized people. Yet, in an institution or in an isolated community, it is only necessary to call a false alarm to cause collective hallucinations and panic of imagined offenses and/or fatal destruction.

As with the neurotic individual, the collective, too, has its unconscious complexes, which may be stimulated and brought to the fore. A crowd or mob is highly affective and is governed by rather simple feelings. Only minor justifications are necessary to evoke mass explosions and mass murder. These are brought about particularly easily when a state of fear already exists. Mass delusion provides more emotional satisfaction than logical criticism. The collective delusion is the common catchphrase, the token, on which all private longings and needs are projected temporarily.

The collective symbol provides everyone with the necessary satisfaction. Paradoxically, mass delusion, rather than being an impersonal phenomenon, provides everyone with an opportunity to abreact their private wishes and fantasies. –Delusion and Mass Delusion, (1949). A.M. Meerloo M.D.

Re: How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations (2014)

10 Modern Methods of Mind Control
By Nicholas West
Published: December 31, 2010
Activist Post (edited)

The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race into non-thinking automatons. For as long as man has pursued power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by those who study human behavior in order to bend large populations to the will of a small “elite” group.

Today, we have entered a perilous phase where mind control has taken on a physical, scientific dimension that threatens to become a permanent state if we do not become aware of the tools at the disposal of the technocratic dictatorship unfolding on a worldwide scale.

Modern mind control is both technological and psychological. Tests show that simply by exposing the methods of mind control, the effects can be reduced or eliminated, at least for mind control advertising and propaganda. More difficult to counter are the physical intrusions, which the military-industrial complex continues to develop and improve upon.

1. Education

This is the most obvious form of mind control, yet still remains the most insidious.  It has always been a would-be dictator’s ultimate fantasy to “educate” naturally impressionable children, thus it has been a central component to Communist and Fascist tyrannies throughout history.  No one has been more instrumental in exposing the agenda of modern education than Charlotte Iserbyt — one can begin research into this area by downloading a free PDF of her book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, which lays bare the role of Globalist foundations in shaping a future intended to produce servile drones lorded over by a fully educated, aware elite class.

2. Advertising and Propaganda

Edward Bernays has been cited as the inventor of the consumerist culture that was designed primarily to target people’s self-image (or lack thereof) in order to turn a want into a need.  This was initially envisioned for products such as cigarettes, for example.  However, Bernays also noted in his 1928 book, Propaganda, that “propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.” This can be seen most clearly in the modern police state and the growing citizen snitch culture, wrapped up in the pseudo-patriotic War on Terror.  The increasing consolidation of media has enabled the entire corporate structure to merge with government, which now utilizes the concept of propaganda placement.  Media; print, movies, television, and cable news can now work seamlessly to integrate an overall message which seems to have the ring of truth because it comes from so many sources, simultaneously.  When one becomes attuned to identifying the main “message,” one will see this imprinting everywhere.  And this is not even to mention subliminal messaging.

3. Predictive Programming

Many still deny that predictive programming is real.  I would invite anyone to examine the range of documentation put together by Alan Watt and come to any other conclusion that this form of mind control is widely.  Predictive programming has its origins in predominately elitist Hollywood, where the big screen can offer a big vision of where society is headed.  Just look back at the books and movies which you thought were far-fetched, or “science fiction” and take a close look around at society today.  For a detailed breakdown of specific examples, Vigilant Citizen is a great resource that will probably make you look at “entertainment” in a completely different light.

4. Sports, Politics, Religion

Some might take offense at seeing religion, or even politics, put alongside sports as a method of mind control.  The central theme is the same throughout: divide and conquer.  The techniques are quite simple: short circuit the natural tendency of people to cooperate for their survival, and teach them to form teams bent on domination and winning.  Sports has always had a role as a key distraction that corrals tribal tendencies into a non-important event, which in modern America has reached ridiculous proportions where protests will break out over a sport celebrity leaving their city, but essential human issues such as liberty are giggled away as inconsequential.  Political discourse is strictly in a left-right paradigm of easily controlled opposition, while religion is the backdrop of nearly every war throughout history.

5. Food, Water, and Air

Additives, toxins, and other food poisons literally alter brain chemistry to create docility and apathy.  Fluoride in drinking water has been proven to lower IQ; Aspartame and MSG are excitotoxins which excite brain cells until they die; and easy access to the fast food that contains these poisons generally has created a population that lacks focus and motivation for any type of active lifestyle.  Most of the modern world is perfectly groomed for passive receptiveness — and acceptance — of the dictatorial elite.  And if you choose to diligently watch your diet, they are fully prepared to spray the population from the above.

6. Drugs

This can be any addictive substance, but the mission of mind controllers is to be sure you are addicted to something.  One major arm of the modern mind control agenda is psychiatry, which aims to define all people by their disorders, as opposed to their human potential.  This was foreshadowed in books such as Brave New World.  Today, it has been taken to even further extremes as a medical tyranny has taken hold where nearly everyone has some sort of disorder — particularly those who question authority.  The use of nerve drugs in the military has led to record numbers of suicides.  Worst of all, the modern drug state now has over 25% of U.S. children on mind-numbing medication. Online free therapy is becoming a popular way to get help, without someone or something controlling your mind.

7. Military testing

The military has a long history as the testing ground for mind control.  The military mind is perhaps the most malleable, as those who pursue life in the military generally resonate to the structures of hierarchy, control, and the need for unchallenged obedience to a mission.  For the increasing number of military personal questioning their indoctrination, a recent story highlighted DARPA’s plans for transcranial mind control helmets that will keep them focused.

8. Electromagnetic spectrum

An electromagnetic soup envelops us all, charged by modern devices of convenience which have been shown to have a direct impact on brain function.

In a tacit admission of what is possible with this method of mind control, one researcher has been working with a “god helmet” to induce visions by altering the electromagnetic field of the brain.

Our modern soup has us passively bathed by potentially mind-altering waves, while a wide range of possibilities such as cell phone towers is now available to the would-be mind controller for more direct intervention.

9. Television, Computer, and “flicker rate”

It’s bad enough that what is “programmed” on your TV (accessed via remote “control”) is engineered; it is all made easier by literally lulling you to sleep, making it a psycho-social weapon.  Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis — which doesn’t portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by “flickering faster than the eye can see.”  The computer’s flicker rate is less, but through video games, social networks, and a basic structure which overloads the brain with information, the rapid pace of modern communication induces an ADHD state.  A study of video games revealed that extended play can result in lower blood flow to the brain, sapping emotional control.  Furthermore, role-playing games of lifelike war and police state scenarios serve to desensitize a connection to reality.  One look at the WikiLeaks video Collateral Murder should be familiar to anyone who has seen a game like Call of Duty.

10. Nanobots

From science fiction horror, directly to the modern brain; the nanobots are on the way.  Direct brain modification already has been packaged as “neuroengineering.” A  Wired article from early 2009 highlighted that direct brain manipulation via fiber optics is a bit messy, but once installed “it could make someone happy with the press of a button.”  Nanobots take the process to an automated level, rewiring the brain molecule by molecule.  Worse, these mini droids can self-replicate, forcing one to wonder how this genie would ever get back in the bottle once unleashed. Expected date of arrival?  Early 2020s.


7 Future Methods of Mind Control
The 9 Goals of Mind Control: Interim Report

Programming The Nation (video)

Activist Post – ALTERNATIVE INDEPENDENT NEWS – Creative Commons 2019

Semantic Syrup

Dripping with bias the results usually lead to censorship and/or death. But how is one to ever know? The proof is in the Propaganda.

Anarcho-Racism and The Neo-Slavers: When cultural evolution stagnates this is what happens.

Indoctrination is the process of inculcating ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or a professional methodology (dogma and doctrine). Indoctrination is a critical component in the transfer of cultures, customs, and traditions from one generation to the next. If they live long enough to survive it.

You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog —Ashin Wirathu

Understand that these people despise you and your values. And that they will not stop until you are destroyed. Existential struggle. It’s what’s coming. Any questions?


A White House’s explanation of why so many unattended “children” are crossing our southern border is that the violence in Central America drove them here. Yet many are not even Central American. Also, as usual, in 2008,  Bush was to blame: At that time, President Bush signed a law “to prevent immigration officials from inadvertently sending [children] back to pimps and drug violence”. Not to forget, Nancy Pelosi  was the chief contributor for the 2008 law. That law was specific to trafficking and another circumstance.

“Tell ‘em what you want them to hear. The Truth doesn’t matter. Just persuade them that things are good.” — The Propagandists Creed

Then in June 2012, President Obama issued the “DREAM Act” Executive Order for all the overage urchins in need of lollypops.

Much has happened over the course of time, none of it is an improvement.  It’s just listed here, if it isn’t being censored, or if the moderators and algorithms allow the opportunity to view it. In any case, it’s up to to you to decide.

Observe the mass casualty effects of an Invasive parasitic species.

El cuco pone sus huevos en el nido de otro pájaro, y por eso es un emblema de ingratitud; The cuckoo lays its eggs in another bird’s nest, and so is an emblem of ingratitude

Biden Refers to ‘People Who Are Seeking to Enter the United States Between Ports of Entry’
By Susan Jones
Published: June 29, 2022
CNSNews (edited)

( – The Biden administration insists that the porous southwest border is “closed.” His spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said it on Tuesday: “But the fact of the matter is, the border is closed…” she told reporters accompanying the president to the NATO summit in Madrid.

However, in a statement on the recent heatstroke deaths of 51 foreigners smuggled into the United States, the President did not use the term illegal alien, now frowned upon by immigration advocates. He did not even say “undocumented migrants.”

Instead, Biden referred to the hundreds of thousands of illegal border-crossers as “people who are seeking to enter the United States between ports of entry,” a crisis situation that he has ignored.

The statement also bashed Republicans who have sounded alarms about the border situation for months: “Exploiting vulnerable individuals for profit is shameful, as is political grandstanding around tragedy,” the statement said, describing criticism of Biden’s relaxed border policies as “grandstanding.”

Here is his statement, which someone in the White House wrote for him:

“The tragic loss of life in San Antonio, Texas that took place yesterday is horrifying and heartbreaking.  Our prayers are with those who lost their lives, their loved ones, as well as those still fighting for their lives. As always, I am grateful for the swift work of all of the Federal, state, and local first responders.

“While we are still learning all the facts about what happened and the Department of Homeland Security has the lead for the investigation, initial reports are that this tragedy was caused by smugglers or human traffickers who have no regard for the lives they endanger and exploit to make a profit.

“This incident underscores the need to go after the multi-billion-dollar criminal smuggling industry preying on migrants and leading to far too many innocent deaths. In Los Angeles two weeks ago, I announced that the United States has launched a first-of-its kind anti-smuggling campaign with our regional partners. In the first three months, we have made over 2,400 arrests, and that work will only intensify in the months ahead.

“Exploiting vulnerable individuals for profit is shameful, as is political grandstanding around tragedy, and my Administration will continue to do everything possible to stop human smugglers and traffickers from taking advantage of people who are seeking to enter the United States between ports of entry.”

Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Tuesday:

“We’re focused on continuing our historic actions to disrupt dangerous smuggling networks, including through a new anti-smuggling campaign that just in the first two months resulted in over 1,800 arrests.  But the fact of the matter is, the border is closed, which is in part why you see people trying to make this dangerous journey using smuggling networks.

“Again, our hearts go out to the families at this time.  We are going to stay focused on the facts and making sure that we hold these smugglers accountable. That’s going to be our focus.”

Meanwhile, record numbers of foreigners are coming into this country: According to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Statistics, 1,526,899 illegal aliens have been encountered at the southwest border so far in Fiscal Year 2022, and that doesn’t include the number of “got-aways.”

The chart below shows how illegal immigration increased after Joe Biden took office in January 2021.

Susan Jones
Copyright © 2022, Media Research Center. All Rights Reserved.

White House Rejects Blame For Deadly Migrant Smuggling Event In Texas, Says Border Is ‘Closed’
By Jennie Taer
Published: June 28, 2022
The Daily Caller (edited)

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre rejected criticism from Republicans that the Biden administration is to blame for the human smuggling attempt that ended in tragedy Monday in Texas, saying that the border is “closed.”

At least 46 people are dead after an 18-wheeler smuggling migrants was found in San Antonio, Texas, on Monday night. It’s one of the deadliest smuggling incidents from the U.S.-Mexico border in recent decades, according to the Associated Press.

“The fact of the matter is, the border is closed, which is in part why you see people trying to make this dangerous journey using smuggling networks. Forty-six people died in the state of Texas…. Their families are still learning they lost loves ones… We’re focused on them, on the facts and on holding the human smugglers who endangered vulnerable individuals for profit accountable,” Jean-Pierre told reporters on Air Force One Tuesday, according to The Dallas Morning News.

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott tweeted Monday that “[t]hese deaths are on Biden,” but Jean-Pierre dismissed blame for the “absolutely horrific and heartbreaking” event.

LISTEN: KJP reacts to the news of nearly 50 dead migrants at the border:

“We’re focused…on the facts, and holding the human strugglers who endangered vulnerable individual profits accountable…the fact of the matter is, the border is closed.”
— (@townhallcom) June 28, 2022

Former U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) acting commissioner Mark Morgan and former Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Tom Homan said President Biden’s border policies are to blame for this situation.

“I know what it is like to stand in the back of a tractor trailer with 19 dead migrants at my feet, including a 5-year-old boy that suffocated to death in 170-degree heat in a steel box in total blackness. It changed me forever. This tragedy is worse,” Homan said in a statement shared with The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“I have been warning for a year that a tragedy was going to occur because of the increase in truck smuggling, together with open borders, catch-and-release, and no chance of being deported, the most vulnerable people in the world will put themselves in the hands of criminal cartels to seek the promise that Biden and Mayorkas have made,” he added.

Morgan said Biden hasn’t closed the border, asserting that he’s done so purposefully.

“They know full well the costs of their open-borders policies, but are pursuing them anyway—all for political benefit and pursuit of their personal ideology. It’s disgusting. How many more Americans and migrants have to die before we say enough is enough and demand the Biden administration take back our borders from the cartels?” Morgan said.

The White House didn’t respond to TheDCNF’s request for comment.

Jennie Taer
©2022 The Daily Caller, Inc.

Abandoned Trailer Marks Deadliest Smuggling Attempt in US History; 51 Dead Due to Blazing Heat
By Renz Soliman
Published: June 28, 2022
HNGN (edited)

A tragic loss of life occurred after 51 people died while several others were injured and hospitalized on Tuesday after an abandoned tractor-trailer was found in San Antonio amid blazing heat, marking the deadliest smuggling attempt in U.S. history.

In a statement during a news conference on Tuesday, Bexar County Precinct 1 Commissioner Rebeca Clay-Flores said the death toll went from 46 to 51. Authorities initially discovered 46 people dead inside the trailer on Monday and 16 others were hospitalized. However, some of the victims being treated lost their lives due to the severity of their injuries.

Deadliest Smuggling Attempt in US History

The driver of the truck and two other people have been arrested, said U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas. The official added that the vehicle passed through a Border Patrol checkpoint northeast of Laredo, Texas, on Interstate 35.

Cuellar said that he did not know if migrants were inside the truck at the time that it cleared the checkpoint. On the other hand, San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg said that the victims had “families who were likely trying to find a better life,” as per USA Today.

The death toll of the incident was the highest ever recorded from a smuggling incident in the United States, based on Craig Larrabee, acting special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigations in San Antonio.

[Read Also: At Least 53 Dead After Trailer Filled With Migrants Crashes With Truck in Southern Mexico]

The trek that migrants face in order to cross the southern U.S. border is inherently dangerous and hundreds of deaths are reported every year. Smuggling is one of many ways that migrants use to make their way into the United States.

According to the Associated Press, investigators were able to trace the truck’s registration to a residence in San Antonio and detained two men from Mexico for possession of weapons, according to criminal complaints filed by the U.S. attorney’s office. But the complaints did not make any specific allegations related to the deaths.

A Surge of Migrants in the US

Authorities discovered the bodies on Monday afternoon on the outskirts of San Antonio when a city worker heard a cry for help from the truck that was parked on a lonely back road. Police Chief William McManus said that officers then found a gruesome inside, with body bags being spread on the ground hours later.

“This is a horror that surpasses anything we’ve experienced before. And it’s sadly a preventable tragedy,” said Nirenberg. In a statement, United States President Joe Biden said that exploiting vulnerable individuals for profit was shameful and promised that his administration will continue to do everything possible to stop human smugglers and traffickers.

Larrabee said that in the past, smuggling organizations were mom and pop but have since become an organized coalition tied in with the cartels. He noted that it was a criminal organization that had no regard for the safety of the migrants, treating them more like commodities rather than human beings.

The discovery of the dead bodies came as U.S. federal authorities launched what they described as an “unprecedented” operation to disrupt human smuggling networks amid a rise of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, CNN reported.

[Related Article: Kevin McCarthy Warns Biden Administration of Impeachment Over Unsustainable Migrant Surge]

Renz Soliman
© Copyright 2022 HNGN. All Rights Reserved.


It is not so difficult to read between the lines of these reports nor to see the usual amount of projection behind the politicized tears and deep lack of concern as another attempt is made to separate the policies they themselves have made to capitalize on a tragedy of their own creation.

The liberal appetite for tyranny is insatiable.

Children from fatherless homes are likelier to drop out of high school, die by suicide, have behavioral disorders, join gangs, commit crimes, and end up in prison. They are also likelier to live in poverty-stricken households.

Are weak families a legacy of exploitation and slavery?

Not forgetting those nefarious, invisible mental and physical shackles provided by the Democrat/Marxist/Progressive/Socialist Party and its ‘free’ poverty plantation programs and policies. Their agenda becomes crystal-clear as in, “If I have a political party whose base is poor minorities, I’m gonna make damn sure they stay that way…………”

This is “The soft bigotry of low expectations.They make it easy for people to live in poverty by giving them everything. Thereby cancelling out any desire to gain pride and knowledge by earning for themselves.

There are an estimated 40 million slaves in the world. Where do they live and what do they do? (September 19, 2017).

Feel free to research all this for yourself.

There are three questions that will destroy most leftist arguments:

  1. Compared to what?
  2. At what cost? 
  3. What hard evidence do you have? 

— Thomas Sowell


Consistencies: America’s Abnormal Psychological State of Affairs

The Week That Perished
Published: June 19, 2022
Takimag (edited)

Juneteenth: 31 FLAVORS A SLAVE

Juneteenth, a Texas-originated celebration marking the end of slavery, had traditionally been a regional, minor jubilee. But in June 2020 craven government officials needed figurative pork rinds to toss the ravenous BLM rioters laying waste to American cities, so it was decided to elevate Juneteenth to a federal holiday in George Floyd’s honor (“National Fentanyl Day” having already been claimed by Prince).

This year Juneteenth falls on Father’s Day, so every black child will have at least something to celebrate.

Unfortunately, darkness has descended upon the black festivities. Commercialism has reared its ugly head: Walmart had planned to market Juneteenth ice cream to commemorate the holiday. Thankfully, black activists and social media users bullied the mega-chain into pulling and destroying the product.

When Walmart execs couldn’t figure out how to quickly dispose of millions of gallons of ice cream, Stacey Abrams bravely stepped in to finally make herself useful.

To be fair to the lactose-intolerant activists, some of the Juneteenth flavors Walmart was planning to sell might’ve come off as a little crass. They included Emancipralines, Underground Rockyroad, Rum Raisin in the Sun, Mangonumission, Diaspumoni, Coffle Cognac, Maple Passage, Macamaroon, Tutti Strange Frutti, Flantation, Cotton Pickin’ Candy, and Uncle Tom’s Carob.

All available with whipped cream, of course.

Walmart apologized for the poor judgment, although CEO Doug McMillon told MSNBC that the company will continue to sell its Holocaust Remembrance Day dessert line, which includes Sobiberry Pie, Auschwitz-Bearclawnau, Einsatzgrapefruitten, Arbeit Macht Friand, Waffle SS, Krema Brûlée, Brownshirt Betty, and Orange Julius Streicher.

“The ADL never complains,” McMillon said, “as long as they get a cut.”

If the problem with Juneteenth is commercialization, the problem with Pride Month is competition. Like Christmas neighbors trying to outdo each other with garish decorations, for Pride Month, corporations are trying to one-up each other with gross-outs.

But how do you up the “ewwww” factor to celebrate something that’s nothing but “ewwww”? You already have Pride parades where dudes in S&M bondage outfits wave their penises at children, and “drag queen storytime” at public libraries in which grotesque abominations from a John Waters wet dream read about vaginas to petrified tykes who’ll forever associate books with fat freaks in wigs who smell of burned cheese and lubricant.

How do you top that? You make millions of Americans associate dinner with poop.

Meal delivery service Postmates is marking Pride Month by offering a series of “bottom-friendly” advertisements aimed at providing the best food options for “mess-free” anal sex.

The ads list foods that can “cause a traffic jam in the digestive system, which can make a mess of your evening.” To put it in family-friendly terms, these are foods to avoid so that when you’re in bed with Jed Clampett and he goes shootin’ in your hole, he doesn’t unleash a bubblin’ crude.

Feeling hungry yet?

Remember the good old days when rule No. 1 of food advertising was “Don’t associate the product with turds”? It’s the only reason Tootsie Roll has stayed in business so long.

Last week The Hill ran a lengthy piece about the increase in “anti-gay hate” this Pride Month. Left unexplored was how much of that “hate” is just people who were about to eat a nutty fudge bar, and then they saw a Postmates ad.

There’s a fine line between being “homophobic” and merely nauseous.

Cancer’s good as cured, and Mars good as conquered. The press was abuzz last week with news that 17-year-old Floridian Ashley Adirika, a child of Nigerian immigrants, was accepted for admission by all eight Ivy League universities.

Anyone perusing the many glowing profiles of Ms. Adirika looking for information about GPAs, SATs, or ACTs would’ve been sorely disappointed, because Ashley was chosen not for her grades but for her many accomplishments, which include being a student of color, being born a person of color and then becoming a student, possessing color while being a student, and being physically present in a learning institution for students as a student while encased in skin of color.

In high school, Adirika founded a group called Our Story Our Worth (“a community organization that empowers young female students of color”). She also served on her school’s debate team and as student body president. Other accomplishments include being a student, and being of color.

And the debate team. There was that, too.

Adirika has chosen Harvard as her destination. Regarding her major, she told CNN that her ultimate goal is “to fix issues in communities with the knowledge of government systems and policies” via “explorations in policy and social policy and things of that nature,” adding, “I am really passionate about policy and using policy to empower communities. I want to use that as a platform to do work in policy.”

Meanwhile, across town, an Asian-American teen with a 4.0 GPA, perfect SAT scores, and an internship at a nuclear power plant where he single-handedly innovated a new reactor design was handed his rejection slip from every U.S. college:

“Dear Quan, your application essay didn’t use the word ‘policy’ nearly enough. In the future, please keep your goals vague, and try to say ‘policy’ multiple times per sentence. Also, be more of color, but not your color; the other, better color. Best of luck to you in your uncle’s restaurant; with the dumplings, go easy on the vinegar.”

When you think of the societal damage wrought by Covid, what comes to mind? Economic disaster? A ravaged job market? Elderly people left to die alone?

Children deprived of education and formative-years socialization skills? The health effects of 24/7 masking?

Or maybe you think of the suicide and opioid overdose rates.

Well, then, you’re a damn fool. Because Covid’s worst legacy is demons.

Yes, demons. Last week the Catholic Church opened its first-ever center to combat Covid-related demon possession. The St. Michael Centre for Spiritual Liberation and Exorcism, located in Manila, is equipped to zap the demons out of ten normal-size adults per day (or twelve dwarfs). The local archdiocese told the Daily Mail that the “mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical stress caused by the pandemic made for a perfect storm for possessions and demonic intervention.”

Thanks to Covid, demons are not only possessing people, but annoying them as well:

Chief exorcist Father Jose Syquia says “full possession” only accounts for 20 per cent of all exorcisms, with the majority being performed on people who are being “harassed physically” by the evil spirits.

Such “physical harassment” includes demons giving out wedgies, wet willies, and the “you got a spot on your shirt” nose-flicking thing.

Father Syquia also told the Mail, “The devil has power over anything electrical. If I give a talk and use a certain gadget, the devil would easily shut it down because he’s an expert in anything electrical.”

Thankfully, in a heartwarming display of interfaith unity, St. Michael’s has partnered with a Hindu call center in Bangalore to offer Windows security assistance for demon-possessed gadgets. Just give the Indians your password, social security number, and banking info, and those demons will be cast right out.

As for exorcising the malware that’ll be left behind, the Church can’t help with that. But you might find a few enterprising Asian kids who didn’t say “policy” enough to get into college who’ll do a secular exorcism of your hard drive for a nominal fee.

Speaking of Indians…

They say you should never meet your heroes.

Or your gods.

To Hindus, the elephant is a sacred being, the living incarnation of Ganesha, the god of wisdom, success, luck, and postmortem elder abuse.

Last week, 70-year-old Maya Murmu was collecting water outside her village of Raipal, Eastern India, when she came across an elephant wandering through the forest.

A sign of good fortune, surely, to have a random encounter with such a holy being. What wisdom would this magical beast convey to a humble, aged water-gatherer?

Absolutely none. The elephant trampled Murmu like a kiddush cup at a Jewish wedding.

The next evening, Murmu’s loved ones prepared a pyre to send Maflatma Murmu to the hereafter in the proper Hindu tradition. Murmu’s body, decked out in ceremonial dress and draped in flowers, was lovingly placed upon the woodpile, as mourners solemnly recited ritualistic prayers, in a scene of serenity and dignity.

And then the elephant came back and kicked the livin’ crap out of the corpse. According to the Daily Mail, the exact same elephant crashed the funeral, “took Murmu’s body down (from the pyre), trampled her again, threw her around and went off into the night.”

“I know he’s supposed to be a god and everything,” Murmu’s daughter told the Mail, “but man, that elephant’s a dick.”

Indian authorities revealed that the elephant had traveled 200km from the Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary in Jharkhand just to kill Murmu and beat the snot out of her body at the funeral, which led one wildlife official to remark, “That elephant must’ve really hated that old bat.”

They say elephants never forget, and apparently they also hold irrational grudges. The presence of animals that’ll murder your loved ones and come back to bust up the funeral like Don Ciccio in Godfather II sheds a little more light on why Indians are so desperate to immigrate to America.

When you’ve dealt with elephants that travel 200km just to kill your grandma and abuse her corpse for the sadistic fun of it, subway muggers don’t seem so bad in comparison.
Copyright © 2008 – 2022 All Rights Reserved.

CDC Investigates Rare Disease in Florida Dubbed as ‘One of the Worst Outbreaks Among Gay and Bisexual Men in U.S. History’

New Biden Dept. of Energy hire is a nonbinary drag queen — ‘an assette,’ say queer activists

Gender Fluidity ….

Energy Targets: What’s in store for America?

Ignoring Infrastructures and Other Stories: Inconvenient Truths and Not So Unintended Consequences

Precursive events …

Explosions shake up Mexico
By Silvio Canto, Jr.
Published: October 28, 2013
American Thinker (edited)

Mexico had a rather violent weekend in Michoacan, ground zero for cartel violence. We posted about Michoacan a few weeks ago.  Most Americans don’t know much about Michoacan but it is where the action is in the war south of the border.

This is from the Los Angeles Times (October, 27, 2013).

“Assailants early Sunday blew up at least nine electrical power plants in one of Mexico’s largest states, triggering blackouts that gunmen then used as cover to torch gasoline stations,” residents and authorities said.

The attacks in Michoacan state, west of the capital, did not cause deaths or serious injuries, authorities said.

But they served as a pointed reminder of the strength of drug gangs and other criminals.

Shortly after midnight, attackers armed with Molotov cocktails almost simultaneously disabled electrical substations in at least nine cities and towns in Michoacan, plunging an estimated 1 million people into darkness.

The power was out for 15 hours. Gunmen then torched four gasoline stations, including two in the state capital of Morelia, a popular tourist destination.

Michoacan for years has been controlled either by the Knights Templar or its predecessor La Familia, cartels that specialize in methamphetamine exported to the United States and that have controlled many city halls and police departments.

More recently, groups of citizens have taken up weapons to form self-defense squads against the traffickers.

It may have been one of these groups that briefly seized the city hall in the large town of Apatzingan, residents said.

Federal authorities said they were sending hundreds of police and military troops to reinforce security in the region. The attacks came barely two days after the state’s governor, Fausto Vallejo, resumed duties after a long illness.

“The only thing we can conclude … is that the organized criminals are winning the battle against federal and state authorities,” Miguel Angel Chavez, head of the opposition National Action Party, told the Quadratin news agency, adding that the violence of the last 24 hours was a terrorist attack.

Organized criminals were suspected of unleashing a series of attacks on government forces in Michoacan in July that resulted in the deaths of 20 criminals and two federal police officers, according to the federal government.”

I checked the Mexican press and found very extensive coverage of the bombs.  President Pena-Nieto is apparently sending more military forces to tackle the deteriorating situation in Michoacan. A friend in Mexico City told me Sunday night that people are very concerned that Michoacan may require a major military intervention.  He told me that Michoacan is a lot worse than Juarez because the gangs are all spread out rather than in one city.

— Silvio Canto, Jr.
© American Thinker 2021



Mexico towns lose power in suspected cartel sabotage  (October 28, 2013) (edited)
Original articale posted at

(Morelia, Michoacan State, MX) Unidentified assailants armed with guns and Molotov cocktails attacked power stations in a violence-torn western Mexican state Sunday, leaving 11 towns without electricity in a suspected drug cartel attack.

The interior ministry said in a statement that national power company equipment, six gas stations and a convenience store were targeted in 11 towns in the state of Michoacan, but that nobody was hurt .

The statement did not identify the assailants, and interior ministry spokesman Eduardo Sanchez said authorities were investigation the attacks.

But a government official told AFP that authorities suspect that the Knights Templar drug cartel launched the assault to send a message to the population and self-defense forces that have formed in the state.

The attack on the power grid came one day after vigilante groups marched in the town of Apatzingan, a Knights Templar bastion, in a protest that left one person injured.

The cartel accuses the self-defense forces of being backed by their rivals, the Jalisco New Generation cartel.

“I think it’s an issue between rival gangs, the Knights Templar and the Jalisco cartel,” the source said on condition of anonymity. “It’s a territorial dispute.”

The attacks on the power grid were a “sanction against the people,” the official said. “More than revenge, it was a message that they won’t allow people to mess with them.”

The federal government deployed thousands of troops to Michoacan in May to bring peace to the state after months of cartel violence that prompted several towns to take up arms.

Residents of Michoacan say they formed vigilante groups to counter the wave of extorsion, kidnappings and murders perpetrated by the purportedly religious Knights Templar cartel.

Sunday’s attacks cut out power in a few towns that formed self-defense forces.

The interior ministry said power was restored to 60 percent of National Electricity Commission customers after the attacks in the towns of Buenavista Tomatlan, Tepalcatepec, Aguililla, Apatzingan, Sahuayo, La Piedad, Zinapecuaro, Uruapan, Zamora, Ciudad Hidalgo and Tuxpan.

More than 77,000 people have been killed in drug-linked violence across Mexico in the past seven years.

See Also: The military is out in full force in Jalisco (May 9, 2015).

No hay nada bueno que suceda en un vacío. — Nothing good happens in a vacuum.

Latency and Illegal Immigration: More Than 347,000 Convicted Criminal Immigrants At Large In U.S. (July 7, 2015).

Immigration in the midst of endemic poverty, high unemployment and steadily declining wages, also comes with the auspices of intentional homicide, defined as ‘unlawful death purposefully inflicted on a person by another person’.

• • •

There’s a government sponsored left-wing insurgency in America. “They’ve carried out sporadic terror attacks on police, have threatened and attacked government buildings and they reject government authority.” But that’s supposed to be okay?

It is obviously the “democratic” view is that the real problem is with American citizens and groups calling for their freedoms and liberties guaranteed by the constitution. If everyone were granted those rights and privileges, there would be chaos. It would put the present government authority in-check and the government would no longer be able to oppressively control every asset of the people’s lives, to help them, of course.

Pitfalls of National Socialism

Venezuela Outlaws Protest Without Express Government Permission, Moves To Direct Socialist Indoctrination In All Schools  (April 26, 2014). Sounding familiar yet?

Venezuelan supreme court says Venezuelans do not have the right to protest or march today. So they did anyway.
— DefendWallSt™ (@DefendWallSt) April 26, 2014

This should be all over the news. Hint: it isn’t.

Via Pan Am Post:

Peaceful protests in Venezuela will from now on require express authorization from the mayor or the governor of the jurisdiction where they are carried out. The Supreme Court (TSJ) made this decision yesterday, declaring that the right to protest “is not an absolute right.” Police forces will now be legally allowed to disperse people who shut down a street to voice their complaints. Also, the attorney General will be allowed to prosecute unauthorized protestors for disobedience.

The TSJ considered it is imperative to “guarantee the right to free movement,” which would justify dispersing any unauthorized congregation. According to the ruling, written by Judge Arcadio Delgado, local police forces have “an obligation to cooperate with the rest of the security forces in maintaining public order during the illegal exercise of the right to protest.”

In addition to authorizing protests, mayors, governors, and district heads have the authority to modify citizens’ requests. The ruling states that “the first civil authority of the jurisdiction — where the concentration, demonstration, or public meeting is requested — is not limited to the terms on which the application is made, being able not only to deny the authorization, but also to modify its location and the chosen itinerary (day and time), whenever the authorization proceeds.”

This ruling comes days after student leaders agreed to march to the center of Caracas regardless of whether Mayor Jorge Rodríguez authorized it or not.

In addition to objecting to the protest ban, people are also out in force to protest the explicit attempt to establish socialist indoctrination in schools, public or private, dictating that all must pass curriculum by “communal councils”.

Venezuela High school students in #Tachira have taken over a plaza to protest against the socialist indoctrination
— tatinjas (@tatinjass) April 27, 2014

Bolivarian National Guard arrested children to accuse them of terrorism by protest in Venezuela @camanpour @cnnbrk
— FARFAN REPORT (@FARFAN_UDO) April 26, 2014

Notice in the last tweet, Venezuelans begging in vain for media coverage.

Original Source: El Universal.

• • •

Coming to America

An Environmental Disaster Is Unfolding In Venezuela
By Matthew Smith
Published: February 23, 2022 (edited)

  1. Two decades of malfeasance, mismanagement, and corruption have led to ill-maintained energy infrastructure and a large number of oil spills in Venezuela.
  2. Caracas’ reluctance to identify, contain, and clean up oil spills has significantly worsened the environmental impact.
  3. The environmental disaster unfolding in Venezuela could take years, perhaps even decades to clean up.

An often overlooked and ignored aspect of Venezuela’s crisis is the considerable environmental degradation occurring at the hands of the OPEC member’s decrepit oil industry. Two decades of malfeasance, mismanagement, and corruption coupled with chronic under-investment in maintaining, repairing, and refurbishing industry infrastructure means oil spills are nearly an everyday occurrence. Frequent spillages of crude oil and emission of toxic gases, through flaring, as well as liquids from severely corroded infrastructure, including pipelines, storage facilities, and refineries, are creating an environmental crisis of catastrophic proportions in one of the world’s most biodiverse countries. A focal point of the environmental disaster engulfing Venezuela is Lake Maracaibo. Satellite images from 2021 show the body of water, which is the largest lake in South America and one of the world’s second-oldest, marred by oil slicks and algae blooms. The lake and nearby Maracaibo Basin have long been at the core of Venezuela’s petroleum industry with the first productive well drilled in 1917. Local fishermen regularly complain of contaminated catches with fish and the lake’s shore covered in black slime. Oil spills along Venezuela’s Caribbean coast as well as leakages of petroleum liquids and related noxious gases from nearby infrastructure are regular, almost daily, events.  The scale of the disaster engulfing Venezuela’s environment due to oil industry operations is practically impossible to quantify because PDVSA ceased reporting spills during 2016. That coincided with the national oil company ceasing to make operational data publicly available after ending the publication of operational data certified by an independent auditor in 2012. Despite the lack of reporting, independent experts believe that oil spills, waste discharges, fumes, flaring, and other environmental emissions have soared over the last decade. During 2016, the year that PDSA ceased reporting environmental incidents, there were 8,259 spills, or quadruple the volume reported for 1999. That is a startling number of oil spills for a country that, according to OPEC secondary sources, pumped an average of 2.1 million barrels per day during 2016 compared to 2.8 million barrels for 1999, which was Chavez’s first year in power.

A February 2022 report from Venezuela’s Academy of Sciences, quoted by news agency Reuters, detailed nine serious oil spills during 2020 and 2021 that caused major environmental damage. This included the 26,730 barrels July 2021 spill in Falcon state which polluted the ecologically sensitive Morrocoy national park causing significant destruction. According to the academy: “Along the coast, hydrocarbon spills and the discharge of waste by the oil industry happen with greater frequency every day,”

The Venezuelan Observatory For Political Ecology identified 53 oil spills (Spanish) for the period 1 January 2021 to 16 September 2021. That number is of considerable concern when it is considered that Venezuela only produced an average of 528,800 barrels per day during 2021.

Venezuela Oil Spills 1 January 2021 – 16 September 2021 

Source: Venezuelan Observatory For Political Ecology.

More than half of those spills, 33 in total, occurred in Falcon State which contains a significant proportion of Venezuela’s petroleum refineries and related infrastructures such as pipeline, storage, and loading facilities. Among the serious incidents reported by the observatory is the rupture of a tank at the 310,000 barrels per day Cardon Refinery, part of the Falcon State Paraguana Refinery Complex, which saw 3.6 million liters of gasoline drain into the Gulf of Venezuela. According to the newspaper La Prensa Del Tachira (Spanish), the crack that occurred in the tank was because of a lack of maintenance, which despite being required every two years had not been conducted by PDVSA since 2016.

The condition of PDVSA’s installations has significantly deteriorated over the last decade because corruption, a lack of skilled labor, and a dearth of capital are preventing the national oil company from performing crucial maintenance activities. As the condition of Venezuela’s petroleum infrastructure deteriorates further, due to a decade of neglect, lack of maintenance and chronic underinvestment oil spills, emissions, and other environmentally damaging incidents will occur with greater frequency. PDVSA and the Maduro regime’s primary goal appears to be to pump and refine as much crude oil as current resources on hand allow, regardless of the crumbling state of crucial infrastructure and the environmental damage being caused. That was worsened by Caracas’ reluctance to identify, contain, and clean up oil spills and other environmentally damaging petroleum industry discharges. There is a belief among industry analysts that PDVSA and the Maduro regime are distorting the production data provided to OPEC. For that reason, it is almost impossible to gauge the volume of environmental damage caused by oil leaks and spills, flaring, and other industrial pollution.

The environmental disaster unfolding in Venezuela caused by a near-bankrupt and desperate Maduro regime is on such a scale that it will take years, perhaps even decades, and considerable amounts of capital to clean up. As Caracas places ever greater pressure on PDVSA to lift production, with Maduro announcing in January 2022 (Spanish) that the national company’s oil output will reach 2 million barrels per day before the end of the year. That overly ambitious target is nearly four times greater than the 528,800 barrels per day, according to OPEC secondary sources, pumped on average for 2021. It is also around three times higher than the 718,000 barrels produced per day shown by OPEC’s secondary sources and double the one million barrels a day that Maduro claims PDVSA pumped for December 2021. As PDVSA labors to achieve Maduro’s production target using dilapidated and decaying facilities further oil spills, gasoline leaks and noxious emissions are inevitable, causing an ever-greater degree of environmental damage and degradation. Venezuela’s vast petroleum reserves, the world’s largest at 304 billion barrels, are ultimately proving to be a curse for the crisis-torn Latin American nation. For these reasons, the enduring legacy of Hugo Chavez’s socialist Bolivarian revolution will not be one of greater equality and prosperity but an environmental catastrophe that will scar Venezuela for years and even decades to come.

—Matthew Smith

See: Biden Takes Aim at America’s Largest Oil Field, Threatens to Stop Production, Sending Gas Prices Soaring (June 30, 2022)


Its time people began to see the very real horrors and consequences of burying our collective heads in the sand, we think it will simply go away or that it will not come on us, that it wont come here, but it is coming,

Too many want to sit and see no pain, but if enough don’t wake up soon on their own, they’ll be jolted awake when it arrives on their doorstep and with none to help.

The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see.

You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

—Ayn Rand

This is a moment that calls for leadership. Unfortunately, America at this time has none.


Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There’s still time to change the road you’re on.
And it makes me wonder.

—Robert Plant, James Patrick

The Working Paradigm for Insurrection

A Recipe for Insurrection Stew

An anarchist news media insinuating and covertly instigating acts of terrorism, and trolling assassinationism against heads of government is not necessarily news, but it is seditious and treasonous action. However, we must consider the source of such media bias that hides its vile diatribe and destructive ideology behind 1st amendment rights from which it claims its unwarranted protection. In Obama-Bidentown this vicious circle of vituperation reaches its fullest flowering. No foreign interference required.

This may have a familiar ring to it as America now has it narrow focus pointing in the same direction:

By May 1937 things had reached a point at which some kind of violent outbreak could be regarded as inevitable. The immediate cause of friction was the Government’s order to surrender all private weapons, coinciding with the decision to build up a heavily-armed ‘non-political’ police-force from which trade union members were to be excluded. The meaning of this was obvious to everyone; and it was also obvious that the next move would be the taking over of some of the key industries controlled by the Confederación Nacional del Trabajo(C.N.T.) In addition there was a certain amount of resentment among the working classes because of the growing contrast of wealth and poverty and a general vague feeling that the revolution had been sabotaged. —“A Homage To Catalonia” (1938) by George Orwell


CNN: Assassinating Trump Could Keep Obama Administration in Power (June 18, 2017)

Now The Left’s War On Normal Americans Truly Begins.  (January 19, 2017)

Putin Issues Dire Warning: Western Elites Plotting ‘Soft Coup’ to ‘Not Let Trump Take Office’ (January 17, 2017)

Obama says he’s being ‘forced out’ of White House  by Constitutional Coup? (August 8, 2016)

All of this is history, and the outcome has now become profoundly obvious.

Obama Officials Who Then Worked For Biden Cashed In Massively In Private Sector, Filings Show (June 23, 2022)

When it comes down to who and what is behind the the true plot of the ongoing  insurrection and overthrow of a Constitutional government lets take a look at a few more points.

First, we have a group of American citizen’s who question the legitimacy of a presidential election, then, being falsely accused under Stalinesque-like rules, it lands them in jail, hidden from public view, all the while being held without charges for eighteen months and counting, as others are also being unconstitutionally harassed and/or arrested, while the Bolshevik Party’s “show trial” and political theater moves “onward.” Re:  Insurrections and Double Standards (May 13, 2020).

Following is a list of recent Headlines and Reports one can follow at their own leisure. However, in doing, so, the conditions of what is happening will become far more clearer. Whether one wishes to accept it or not.

DHS warns of ‘weeks’ of violent attacks over abortion SCOTUS decision (June 25, 2022).

Insurrection in Arizona Forces Senate Into Recess, Members Held ‘Hostage’ During Roe Riot (June 25, 2022).

Night of rage: Arrests, tear gas and violence continue as pro-abortion activists throw nation-wide tantrums (June 25, 2022).

Top Democrats Float an Insanely Stupid and Dangerous Idea to Ignore SCOTUS Ruling on Roe (June 25, 2022).

SOTUS Abortion Ruling Incites Mad Maxine Waters To Advocate Insurrection (June 24, 2022).

The Hell With the SCOTUS’: Maxine Waters Says Pro-Aborts Will ‘Fight in the Streets’ After Abortion Ruling (June 25, 2022).

AOC’s Chanting Partner, Revolution, and How SCOTUS Is ‘Endangering’ ‘Birthing People’ (June 25, 2022).

Stung by gun and abortion rulings, Biden undermines Supreme Court in ways unlike predecessors (June 25, 2022).

EXCLUSIVE: MTG Authors Bill to Designate Radical Abortion Groups as Domestic Terrorists, Citing a Long List of Recent Attacks. (June 23, 2022).

FLASHBACK–Sotomayor Argues Reversing Roe May Abort the Court: ‘How Will We Survive?’ (December 1, 2021).

Consider that this is only an incredibly small sampling of what is being thrown out for the public’s psychic consumption.  How much more is it going to take until America’s citizen’s experience their own “Homage to America” non-fiction scenario?

So, what else could possibly be funding the “insurrection?”

Prosecutors: NYC Drug Bust Had Enough Fentanyl to Kill 32 Million People
Fentanyl drugs confiscated in NYC bust by Special Narcotics Prosecutors Office (September 2017)

If freedom is to defeat power, we have to judge evil not by its deceptive motives and manifestos, but by its ugly and bloody consequences.”

Independent choice is an individual freedom ― The signs of impending serious problems in the future cannot be dismissed, no matter how far into ground someone wants to bury the truth.

Rationing and Reality: Getting to There from Here

The word whore is a derogatory term that usually applies to those who perform the services of prostitutes. Thus debasing oneself by doing something for unworthy motives, typically to make money.  It is an age old profession, and has a history of spreading numerous social diseases. Therefore, it does indeed have a close family resemblance to the media propagandists and “talking heads” that swallow the same regurgitated jetsam, then daily spew it back onto the hypnotic airwaves.

As far as Truth from the media is concerned, there isn’t any truth. No doubt their carbon credits are also overdrawn with all the bullshit they unload on everyone on a daily basis, at least we can pretty much recognize that it accumulates as the same dung the politicians are continuously spreading and slinging on everyone. Alas, those being chemically and AI dependent don’t seem to be bothered by it all that much. This is just opinion of course. But those intravenously injecting the Kool-aid and still nursing from the government mammary probably helps a lot.

Yet, there is rarely any doubt that psychosis represents a disturbance in the perception of reality. It is marked by the presence of one or more symptoms, like hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thoughts, and unusual, strange, and/or regressed behavior.

The prevalence of medication-induced psychosis is unknown, but it is estimated that in 7% to 25% of individuals presenting with a first episode of psychosis, the condition may be substance- or medication-induced. …the diagnosis of substance- or medication-induced psychotic disorder: hallucinations and/or delusions are present; symptoms developed during or soon after substance intoxication or withdrawal, or after exposure to a medication; …the disturbance causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning  —Emily M. Ambizas, PharmD,

However, correlation does not necessarily imply causation.


The Lords of Scarcity
The Abundance Choice: Part 13 in a multipart series.
By Edward Ring
Published: June 19, 2022
American Greatness (edited)

Corporations and financial special interests have long since realized that environmentalism is a means to control markets and capital.

One of the farmers who supported our attempt to qualify the Water Infrastructure Funding Act for the November 2022 ballot was John Duarte. It was a privilege to speak with Duarte, because his reputation had preceded him. Duarte is the man who had the temerity—and uncommon courage—to sue the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers when they ordered him to stop farming one of his properties. The Corps argued that the rain puddles that formed on Duarte’s 450 acres in Tehama County were vernal pools.

The case was eventually settled in 2017, but only after the government countersued and a federal district court rejected Duarte’s claims. Facing the infinite resources of the federal bureaucracy, Duarte decided against filing an appeal and paid the fines. During our first conversation, and subsequently, it was Duarte who coined the phrase “Lords of Scarcity.” It is a vividly accurate way to describe the many special interests, public and private, that benefit from regulations and rationing.

This economic fact remains underappreciated: When regulations are imposed on businesses and public agencies that make it almost impossible for them to build something, whatever that something produces becomes more expensive. This fact rests on the law of supply and demand, and only requires a minor intuitive leap from that foundation: When demand exceeds supply, because supplies have been restricted, whoever owns existing supplies makes more profit.

These owners are the Lords of Scarcity, and California is their citadel.

One of the profound ironies of our time is how, especially in recent years, financial and corporate interests that once were pariahs to the American Left have now become their champions. There’s plenty to chew on in that statement, since social issues have been co-opted now by corporate America almost to the point of parody, but let’s stick to the issues of economics and the environment. Corporations and financial special interests have long since realized that environmentalism is a means to control markets and capital.

The consequences of that realization are predictable and have been in full effect for years. Environmentalist over regulation is no longer an economic burden to large corporations, if it ever was. Rather, it is a way to create barriers to entry for emerging competitors, and a way to wipe out existing competitors that lack the scale or the financial resilience to comply with new environmental edicts. And here again, irony abounds.

Our initiative campaign was vilified as a vehicle for “wealthy landowners” and “powerful multinational corporations” to “subvert environmental protections” and “create a bottomless slush fund for the super-rich.”

But what is really happening? Could it be that the biggest, wealthiest landowners do not want the price of water to go down? Why would they want that? They also do not want the price of land to go down. The more these necessities cost, the wealthier they get. Here is the exact transcript of an email I received from a wealthy landowner, in response to my request to support our initiative: “I am not for it. I think it will not be helpful.”

You don’t have to try too hard to read what is unwritten in that statement. Affordable land and abundant water are unhelpful if your wealth is tied up in land with water rights.

As for powerful multinational corporations, here is the exact transcript of an email I received from a member of a partnership formed to financialize water markets:

“Thanks for the details, Edward. Unfortunately, I can’t support this as I think it is fundamentally the wrong strategy. More supply? Really? The exact opposite of my beliefs.…”

Precisely. There is no incentive for wealthy landowners or powerful multinational corporations to see the value of land or water go down. There is no incentive for companies that want to privatize water supply infrastructure to see the value of water go down. And yet the environmentalist community, which derives its support from millions of left-leaning voters and activists who digest left-leaning rhetoric that opposes the privatization of water, became apoplectic over our initiative, which would have socialized significant costs for water infrastructure, thus lowering the market price of water for everyone.

Years of successful environmentalist opposition to more water supply infrastructure is driving a consolidation of property ownership, as smaller farmers, lacking the financial resiliency to outlast the drought, are being forced to sell their holdings. The buyers are huge agribusiness corporations or hedge funds. Often the motive for the buyers isn’t even to grow food, but merely to acquire the water rights. In a drought, water becomes more expensive—and the more water costs, the more valuable their investment.

This explains why Harvard’s $32 billion endowment is buying land for the water rights in Central California, and why Saudi investors are buying land for the water rights in the Imperial Valley. It explains why Trinitas Partners, LGS Holdings Group, Greenstone, and other out-of-state investment firms and hedge funds are buying out California’s financially stressed farmers and ranchers. Their profit model relies on water scarcity.

The Lords of Scarcity have correctly identified energy and water as essential prerequisites for almost every other product or service. Activist and former gubernatorial candidate Michael Shellenberger identifies nuclear power and desalination as two game-changing options that have been suppressed in an April essay for Eurasia Review.

Shellenberger, who has long advocated for construction of more nuclear power plants, presents the original blueprints for Diablo Canyon nuclear plant, showing that PG&E originally planned to construct six reactors. As it is, Diablo Canyon’s two operating reactors are scheduled to be shut down by 2025, which Shellenberger alleges is 40 years premature based on their design life. With its continuous output of 1.1 gigawatts, just one reactor at Diablo Canyon produces enough energy to desalinate over 2 million acre-feet of water per year. But there’s much more to this story. Shellenberger writes:

Why is Newsom talking out of both sides of his mouth? Because he cares more about running for president than he does about the people of California. And he believes that running for president requires the support of pro-scarcity environmentalists like Sierra Club and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and their financial backers. The two groups oppose desalination and favor closing Diablo Canyon nuclear plant. They have a combined annual revenues of nearly $300 million, a significant share of which comes from the very same natural gas and renewable energy companies that stand to make billions replacing the energy from Diablo Canyon. [Emphasis added.] Naturally, many of the same financial interests back Newsom. Some pro-nuclear people think they can change Newsom’s mind by appealing to his donors, but a big part of the reason Newsom sought to kill Diablo Canyon was to deliver a scalp to his pro-scarcity donors.

This is yet another economic agenda that favors the policies of scarcity. The more expensive energy becomes, the more investment goes into renewables. This is a good thing if you believe renewable energy is more sustainable and planet-friendly than conventional energy, but it certainly doesn’t make the case for shutting down Diablo Canyon. The reason continuous energy from nuclear power is a threat is not only that it displaces renewables, but because it also displaces natural gas power plants which, unlike nuclear power, can be rapidly brought on and offline and thus are needed to fill in when intermittent renewable power falters.

Energy scarcity in California is the result of political choices, driven by economic special interests that profit from that scarcity. The evolution of Shellenberger, who was honored in 2008 by Time as a “Hero of the Environment,” is a defining example of how the conventional wisdom could change in California. One of Shellenberger’s earliest works was the EcoModernist Manifesto, which proclaimed that prosperity and environmentalism are not in inherent conflict, and that we can achieve both. Taking this inspiring message from concept to implementation, however, is undermined by the Lords of Scarcity. Shellenberger, who recently authored a book about environmentalist alarmism with the self-explanatory title Apocalypse Never, came to realize that excessive environmental laws and regulations are very profitable for the few, at the expense of prosperity for the many.

Another critical resource that must be abundant and affordable in order to nurture economic prosperity is land. Here again, the Lords of Scarcity have managed to use environmentalism to create prohibitive barriers to land ownership and land use. It isn’t as if there is a shortage of land in California. But the process of clearing the land for any sort of development requires so much time and money and political connections that most people don’t bother. New housing is the obvious example. What few parcels of land are approved for subdividing aren’t nearly sufficient to make up for the demand.

The many cost variables that combine to make housing unaffordable are all attributable to environmentalist policies. Water infrastructure isn’t built, which means fewer homebuilders are able to identify a source of water to supply to the homes they intend to build, which means fewer building permits are issued. California’s timber industry has been decimated—one of the unheralded true reasons for super fires—which means more expensive imported lumber has to be purchased by homebuilders. And then there is the land itself, thousands upon thousands of square miles of open land, most of it only suitable for grazing, situated along the major freeway corridors.

California is only five percent urbanized. Five percent. The significance of this bears further explanation. The state of California sprawls across 163,000 square miles, there are 25,000 square miles of grazing land and 42,000 square miles of agricultural land. Of that, 14,000 square miles are prime agricultural land. You could put 10 million new residents into homes, four per household, on quarter-acre lots, with an equal amount of land set aside for roads, parks, and commercial districts, and you would only consume 1,953 square miles. If you built those new cities on the best prime agricultural land California’s got, you would only use up 14 percent of it. If you scattered those homes among all of California’s farmland and grazing land—which is far more likely—you would only use up 3 percent of it.

The reason this doesn’t happen is that in every case, on every potential building site, there is an irreplaceable ecosystem that must remain pristine, and well-funded environmentalist attorneys prepared to engage in endless litigation to preserve it. If California’s current land-use policies were in force for the last century, where would anyone live? Would anything have ever been built?

The Lords of Scarcity, using an extreme and self-serving interpretation of environmentalism as moral cover, have declared war on every essential resource necessary to deliver Californians an affordable and decent quality of life. Every building block of prosperity and every enabling economic foundation of the civilization we enjoy—water, energy, housing and food—is under attack.

The consequences of unaffordable housing only hurt ordinary families who want to own a home and build wealth. By contrast, unaffordable housing benefits the investment community which has recognized that by limiting the supply of real estate, they can invest in real estate and realize spectacular profits. So now families who aspire to own their own homes must also bid against real estate trusts, hedge funds, and multinational corporations that stand to earn billions thanks to scarcity policies.

At this point, and once again, we must step back and reaffirm that everyone cares about the environment. The problem isn’t the value of environmentalism, which any conscientious person acknowledges. The problem is the balance between the needs of the environment and the needs of ordinary working families has been lost. And the reason it has been lost is that environmentalism is a useful political weapon for any financial special interest that benefits from scarcity.

Most people critical of environmentalist overreach will correctly point out that these policies cause disproportionate harm to low-income and underserved communities. That observation has been repeated so often it has become a cliche. But it’s true and it’s tragic. The Lords of Scarcity are California’s privileged elites, unwilling to accept the lower profits that come with a more competitive marketplace or a vision of environmentalism that embraces resource development and rejects self-serving anti-growth extremism.

The Lords of Scarcity have taken over California. They hide behind environmentalism to further their financial interests. If broad-based economic prosperity is to return to California, the narrative they’ve successfully sold to voters must be challenged, and the power they wield must be broken.
Editor’s note: This article originally appeared on the website of the California Globe.
— Edward Ring
©2013 – 2022 American Greatness. All rights reserved.


Rolling Blackouts On the Way
By John Hinderaker, in Energy Policy
Published: June 16, 2022
Power Line (edited)

In the recent past, California and Texas have suffered blackouts due to inadequate electricity supply. This year, as the summer heats up, it is the Midwestern states served by the Midcontinent Independent Systems Operator (MISO) that are most likely to see their lights go out. Energy expert Isaac Orr explains:

According to [the North American Electric Reliability Corporation], much of the country is at an elevated risk of not having enough electricity to meet peak demand, plus the margin of safety, this summer, but none are at higher risk than MISO.

Why are blackouts suddenly occurring after many decades of reliable energy? Because of profiteering by “green” energy hucksters.

MISO may simply not have enough reliable power plants on the grid this summer after 3,200 megawatts (MW) of reliable power plants, mostly coal and nuclear, retired last year.

This is a scandal. “Green” energy liberals have demanded, successfully, that reliable coal and nuclear plants be closed so they can be replaced by wind farms and solar installations. But those unreliable, intermittent sources can never replace power plants that actually work 24/7. Hence the blackouts that are now beginning, and will become more and more widespread if we continue to rely increasingly on undependable sources of power.

Because of “green” demands that reliable power plants be shuttered, the Midwest now lacks enough reliable electricity to cover peak demand:

MISO says there is a 1,230 MW shortfall in power plant capacity to meet its peak demand and reserve margin, an amount that could power nearly half of the homes in Minnesota on an average hourly basis.

Liberals know there are blackouts coming, so what is their solution? Since wind and solar can’t meet peak demand, reduce demand! Much as the Biden administration is reducing demand for gasoline by driving prices over $5 per gallon.

This shortage of reliable power plant capacity means system operators in MISO are more likely to need operating mitigations, such as load modifying resources (LMRs) or non-firm imports, to meet reserve requirements under normal peak summer conditions. Each of these “operating mitigations” comes with its own costs.

Under more extreme circumstances, such as warmer temperatures, higher generation outages, or low wind conditions, areas of the MISO North and Central regions will face a higher risk of temporary “operator-initiated load shedding” to maintain system reliability. This is grid operator speak for rolling blackouts.

In all likelihood, the Midwest will see its first blackouts this summer. If not, just wait. If the situation is not yet dire, it is only because the greenies have not yet realized their goal of overwhelming reliance on energy sources that, most of the time, don’t work:

Unfortunately, the reliability of the electric grid could get worse in the coming years as more reliable power plants are retired.

MISO’s capacity shortfall is projected to grow to 2,600 MW by 2023, enough to power virtually every home in Minnesota on an average hour, and capacity deficits are projected to widen in subsequent years.

The graph below shows the capacity shortfall growing from 2,600 MW next year to 10,900 MW by 2027 as the green bars sink lower toward the x-axis. For context, 10,900 MW is more than the amount needed to generate Minnesota’s annual electricity on an average hourly basis. Of course, some hours will have much higher demand, and some hours demand will be lower, but the trend is troubling regardless.

As the greenies retire more and more reliable power plants and replace them with wind and solar installations that don’t produce electricity most of the time, the cost of massive redundancy to try to keep the lights on will increase exponentially. This summer we will probably see the first tremors of grid inadequacy caused by reliance on “green” energy. In future years, if environmentalists and the Democratic Party continue to get their way, we will see the earthquake: a future in which America, like a third-world country, will be a place where electricity is available only intermittently and only to a favored few, based on political allegiance.

Already, liberals are talking about a future in which you don’t control your use of electricity. Rather, a utility does. Thus, when “renewable” energy sources don’t produce enough to meet demand, the response will be “demand management.” That may mean, among other things, that you won’t be able to turn on your own air conditioning. Rather, the utility will control the temperature of your home for you. This is a classic liberal solution to a problem that liberals created: it totally fails to mitigate the disaster that liberal policies have caused, but serves the more important purpose of allowing liberals to use access to electricity to reward their friends and punish their enemies.
— John Hinderaker
Copyright © 2020 by Power Line and respective authors

See Also
Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden Administration (June 11, 2022)

“Just because there is a consensus made for a given viewpoint it does not mean that that viewpoint is, at all, correct.”

As America has become more of a cesspool, filled with liars, thieves, murderers, perverts and psychopaths, and many are still holding on to their positions of leadership and power — We move on to the next stupid thing.

There is obviously far too much of decay, both socially and morally. What more could be expected when degenerates are occupying some of the top positions in local and national government, and where Congress is complicit primarily in keeping themselves at the top of the nation’s organizational chart and its pecking order, there is at least some of the reason for so much of the nation’s level of putrefaction. But wait, what do the polls say? Could  be, ‘The devil is in the details.’

In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.


In a diabolical sense, self-hate or self-loathing is utilized to manipulate individuals and/or groups to play out, or create it’s reality by promoting its belief system within socially programmed/conditioned behaviors. It accomplishes this task by masking or suspending any real affect that those particular individuals or groups may hold.  Indubitably, by manipulating innate self-hatred, it can achieve the recalcitrant goal to purposely create self-harming and destructive realities as a means of meeting some particular vice or objective.

Self-hate has the ability to camouflage itself so well, that it will gain influence and divert behaviors to adhere to whatever its particular agenda, creed or purpose of the moment, may be.

• • •

Psychotic gender delusions
By F. LaGard Smith
Published: June 21, 2022
CP Voices (edited)

Never before has any generation had the slightest difficulty distinguishing between a “man” and a “woman.” Yet, folks are now talking glibly about “persons who menstruate,” rather than “women.” And “chestfeeding” instead of “breastfeeding.” And insisting, “People of all genders can get pregnant, not just women!” Ask a Supreme Court nominee to define “woman,” and she can’t (or won’t), though she is happy to be known as the first black “woman” to be appointed.

Giving new meaning to the familiar lament, “The world’s gone mad!”, our psychotic, brave-new-world generation has literally lost touch with reality, being unable to distinguish what’s objectively real from a subjective figment of “progressive” imagination.

The late, former head of the United Negro College Fund, Arthur Fletcher coined the phrase, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Without doubt, it is. What a waste not to educate it to its full potential. Yet, worse than wasting a mind is losing a mind. The irony of today’s psychosis is that the most highly-educated folks are the ones most likely to have lost their minds. These are the same academics and pseudo-intellectuals who smugly note “preferred pronouns” (even the plural “them”) and designate toilets for “All Genders,” as if there were more than two. Educated fools!

Lately, there is much talk about a crisis in mental health — from the mental struggles leading to suicide (like country music’s Naomi Judd), to the increasing number of deranged perpetrators of tragic gun violence. As concerning as those conditions are, a more critical mental health crisis threatens our collective sanity: being delusional about the origin and nature of our existence.

Our cultural psychosis is but a symptom of a deeper disorder — thinking we humans are merely highly-evolved animals, produced by a process of mindless evolution. If you believe that an orderly, elegant, and hospitable planet — and humankind itself — happened by chance, you are already out of touch with reality. Believe the biggest delusion of all and lesser delusions follow.

Those who reject the foundational truth that “male and female created He them” are well on their way to the asylum. For us human inhabitants of the earth, there is one sun, one moon, and two sexes. Anyone thinking there is more than one moon is properly (and linguistically) deemed a lunatic. If someone insists there are many more than just two sexes, are they any less a lunatic?

What engenders such madness? When a culture exalts Nature itself rather than worshiping Nature’s Creator, it must fill the morals vacuum with secular social causes, which then must be defended even to the point of absurdity. Having made gender diversity a sacred cause, all else must be sacrificed to it, even if it means ludicrously denying obvious distinctions between “man” and “woman.” (Easily missed, even “transgendered” is from one to the other!)

The debate over Evolution and Creation isn’t inconsequential. As G. K. Chesterton observed, the same people who decry the evil of treating human beings as beasts (think whatever social oppression you wish) will boldly assert that human beings, themselves, are practically beasts.

—  F. LaGard Smith, Voices Contributor
© 2022 The Christian Post, INC. All Rights Reserved.

Psychotherapist: The New Normal Is a “Dark and Hideous Creature Raising Its Head Out of the Muck of Human Shadow”
By Todd Hayen
Published: June 22, 2022
America First Report (edited)

For something to be a “new” normal, it must reach some measure of consensual normalcy. What is normalcy? Many people believe it is whatever sits at the middle of the proverbial “bell curve,” i.e., “majority.”

Is this true? In my practice as a psychotherapist, I am very uncomfortable when a client asks if their behavior is “normal.”

Usually I will reply, “well, it is probably the most common behavior” or, the negative response, “you might be an outlier and not many out there behave that particular way.” That response is never very satisfying. People, it seems, equate “normal” with “what most people are doing.”

Obviously, this analysis is not very accurate—how many times did you hear dear mother say, “if all your friends were jumping off of a cliff, would you do it?”

All that being said, I am afraid to say now, that in our culture, being normal means you are doing what most everyone else is doing (or thinking). Today, you are “normal” if you wear masks everywhere, or normal if you fear Covid, and scramble to get in line for the latest booster.

At first there might be a bit of an enticement, i.e., “you will die of Covid if you don’t get vaccinated,” but if you really examine the true incentive, it usually isn’t that, it is the fact everyone else, or most everyone else, is conforming.

Once you reach that point of conformity, or “normalcy” there isn’t much else you need to do if you are an authority trying to pressure people into compliance.

In fact, it can often work against that authority (getting people, through a coercive fear campaign, to comply) because it can then become impossible to get these masses to let go of the thing that makes them feel “normal” (compliance with the majority).

Even today as authorities remove mask mandates, people are opting to ignore the relaxation of mask compliance, and deciding on their own, or within their organization (such as a hospital) to continue requiring them.

There are many things in our culture that have become normal that in previous years, or decades, or even centuries, were not normal. We are continuously experiencing a wave of “abnormal (or nonexistent) to normal” flowing over us as the years pass.

Things that were not consensual, or embraced by the majority, did not become normal until they were.

The first example that comes to mind are cell phones, or more accurately, “personal mobile phones.” I remember while living in LA in the Hollywood film biz, it was very trendy to have a phone in your car.

Typically, only doctors or big-wig professionals had such things. They became more and more popular, for various reasons, over time and then reached a level of “normalcy” when nearly everyone had a cell phone they carried around with them.

We can, of course, think of thousands of things like this. We can also think of an equal number of things that were better before, and for whatever reason, lost “normalcy” due to economics, or difficulty of installation or execution, such as bottled (in glass bottles!) milk being personally delivered to your front porch every morning, or real wood hardwood floors.

These are examples of “things,” what about concepts? Or psychological behaviors?

Yes, these also move in and out of what is considered normal. But keep in mind as I said before, normal does not mean “right” or “healthy”…far from it. The “non matrixed” people living underground in The Matrix were “abnormal” to all of the “matrixed” folks, but they were the most psychologically healthy—or actually, to be more accurate—spiritually healthy.

We may see, today, many things we are not happy about becoming normal, “things” like masks, vaccination records, mandates, etc. (which we will discuss in a moment) but the real damage we are, and will, experience is not so much the physical aspects to these things, but the psychological and spiritual implications.

We focus on the physical issues, which are also important and need to be factored in our fight for freedom, but the physical is easier to deal with, it is in your face, and objectively problematic—brain damage due to too much CO2 intake, the loss of freedoms to a totalitarian regime, the restrictions on travel, the loss of privacy, medical tyranny, etc.

The deeper issues of this assault on humanity are far more devastating, works its evil over time, and is much more difficult to see.

So, what have we observed in our culture that before Covid didn’t exist, and now does in large numbers? Things that the “normies” could start to identify as “normal.”

Mask wearing is probably the most obvious, and possibly the least obvious from a damaging psychological and spiritual perspective. Digital IDs, for which we are being prepped, from this Covid fiasco, to be totally accepted and normalized.

Digital currency is another, and its prep started long ago, but the mill has been greased even further for easy, normal, insertion into our culture and society. Online learning, which clearly is a trend with all levels of education.

Online work as well is becoming more and more common, therefore is being “normalized.” In fact, any sort of gathering now seems to be relegated to a Zoom session, destroying any psychological and spiritual need to touch shoulder to shoulder with other human beings, physically look into their eyes rather than looking into a camera that then creates a digital representation of an eye to gaze into.

Vaccines and vaccine passports have been normalized even further, of course. Not that it took all that much as the culture has long been brainwashed into thinking that all the vaccines children get are the only thing that keeps them alive through childhood, and anyone who opposes such practice is tantamount to Beelzebub himself.

The more subtle “normalities” being afflicted upon us include a general fear of nature and our natural environment. Children are clearly being taught to fear other children, teachers, and anyone who is not masked. We are being trained to believe that to fear life itself is normal. Certainly, a totally irrational fear of death is being made normal.

And slowly we are being introduced to the normal idea that quite possibly, if we play our cards right and support the efforts to do such a thing, technology will bring us a deathless experience of life. Why anyone would want that to be “normal” is beyond me, but it certainly is being actively promoted out there, as if the true meaning of life lies in some artificial, and technological, way to keep life eternal.

As usual, with a short article like this, I am just skimming the surface of this dark and hideous creature raising its head out of the muck of human shadow. The problem here, though, is this normalcy I am speaking of is being forced upon us not in a natural organic way.

Humans have always gone through weird ventures into strangeness—but typically pull out of it at some point saying “oops, that didn’t work, what was I thinking?” But only if the venture was organic, psychically evolutionary—a wrong turn corrected in the nick of time. What we are experiencing now, which we have also experienced to a limited degree in the past with odd experiments such as Nazism or Soviet/Marxist communism, or other totalitarian “experiments,” is purely manipulative from a global (which has never happened before) point of reference. We are being conned to believe these things I have described here are normal, ONLY because they are consensual.

Only until a majority agree they are normal are they declared normal. But these things are not normal. They go against the fabric of nature, of spirit, and if you believe in such things, God Himself. We seemed to have lost sight of this measure of normalcy, and only see “normal” as “majority” and thus believe it is simply no big deal—which is something you hear all of the time about, say, wearing masks, or being educated by a computer screen at home.

“Just put on the damn mask, what’s the big deal.” Actually it is a big enough deal to lead us to the eventual destruction of humanity. No kidding.

Although most grow tiresome of Nazi references in discussions of “New Normal” issues, National Socialism in Germany in the mid 1900’s continues to be a relevant, and a useful, comparison. In Peter Fritzsche’s book Hitler’s First Hundred Days he describes a later manifestation of Germany’s “new Hitler order”—the Third Reich. Here is a description of a dissident returning home from political prison and the subsequent treatment he receives:

The big fight that Social Democrats and Communists lost to the National Socialists (Nazis) in February and March was one in which the nation was bitterly divided. The prisoners who returned home at the end of 1933 took the measure of how quickly Germany had changed from a country of highly articulate partisans who flew flags and pinned on badges of allegiance into a country of believers and conformists who, for reasons that were not always clear or verifiable, had made their peace with the new regime. This was the Nazis’ achievement in the two short months between the Reichstag elections on March 5, 1933, and the day celebrating German labor on May 1. The “48 percent” who had not voted for Hitler almost entirely disappeared from view, its remnants treated as miscreants and “asocials,” agents of national and social corrosion, drowned rats in the sea.”

The point to be taken here is the psychological effect of mass formation psychosis. A people who before were “articulate” and probably capable of debate and critical thinking, to a people who were essentially braindead and in 100% compliance with the authority of National Socialism—and all manner of supporting or living within that regime has been declared “normal.”

It is interesting here that the “48 percent who had not voted for Hitler almost entirely disappeared from view.” Where had they gone?

We like to think, in our current situation, that we who call ourselves freedom fighters will never “disappear,” but can we really rely on that? Will many of us eventually conform? Will we eventually fall into the zombie state?

I for one (and I am certain there are many who would stand with me on this) plan to die on this hill. But can we really be so certain that we will not eventually fall victim to the status quo, to the “new world normalcy” and be absorbed by the system, and become “drowned rats in the sea”?

I shudder to think of such a thing. But most of us are familiar with the “Stockholm Syndrome” where prisoners become complacent, and actually ally with their captors and criminal perpetrators.

This phenomenon is a very deep-seated human compulsion based on our instinct for survival. When we see all hope disappear, we will naturally warm up to those who hold the power and resources to keep us alive.

I think of movies like The Matrix and even silly fare like Demolition Man where there is a thriving underground of “free people,” burdened to the brink of collapse with pressure of survival, living almost like animals, usually underground (the collective unconscious?)—and certainly not considered normal.

Is this even a possibility within the limitations of the instinctual drive to survive? It is difficult to tell. There was indeed a resistance to the Nazis in the ‘30s and ‘40s. It may have been small, but it definitely was there. I believe there is at least an equally powerful archetypal compulsion to “be free, or die.”

However, it seems this archetype, if pressured enough, falls short. I suppose we have yet to see how it will fare while facing this current assault on the human spirit.

— Todd Hayen
© 2022 America First Report.

Monkeypox Outbreak: 99% Of Cases Detected Are In Men
By Mac Slavo
Published: June 20, 2022
SHTF Plan (edited)

According to a World Health Organization report, 99% of cases of the monkeypox are detected in men. A total of 42 countries, both endemic and non-endemic, have reported 2,103 laboratory-confirmed cases of monkeypox, since the beginning of the year, according to the WHO. 

The WHO, which is a “global health body” has decided to drop the distinction between “endemic” and “non-endemic” countries now that the monkeypox is becoming more widespread. “We are removing the distinction between endemic and non-endemic countries, reporting on countries together where possible, to reflect the unified response that is needed,” the WHO said in a statement. “A total of 2,103 laboratory-confirmed cases, one probable cause, and one death have been reported to WHO from 42 countries, between January 1 to June 15,” it added according to a report by The Weather Channel. 

Over 98% of monkeypox cases have been reported since May of this year and with Europe reporting 84% of those cases. Of these cases, a whopping 99% of all monkeypox cases are reported in men, and “most self-identify as men who have sex with other men”, the United Nations agency said.

The newly presented symptoms of monkeypox include the “presentation of only a few or even just a single lesion, lesions that begin in the genital or perineal/perianal area and do not spread further, lesions appearing at different (asynchronous) stages of development, and the appearance of lesions before the onset of fever, malaise and other constitutional symptoms,” the global health body said.

And even though 99% of cases are in men, the WHO still doesn’t know what role “vaginal fluid” plays in transmission. “It is unclear what role sexual bodily fluids, such as semen and vaginal fluids, play in the transmission of monkeypox,” the WHO said.

The UN health body is set to hold an emergency meeting on June 23 to determine whether to classify the global monkeypox outbreak as a public health emergency of international concern. So basically, the ruling class is going to meet to decide what smaller ruling classes should do to the public because 2,100 people globally (with a population approaching 8 billion) have gotten a sexually transmitted lesion.

The tyranny is obvious.

The highest level of warning by the global health body currently applies only to the Covid-19 pandemic, polio, and Ebola in the past. Polio…well isn’t that interesting:

At this point, all we can do is prepare to be controlled and dominated again. It sure doesn’t look like most human beings are willing to tell their masters “no” and quit complying, so we need to be ready. Force and control over people is the end goal and a totalitarian system of enslavement is coming. All of this will eventually coalesce into a central bank digital currency and if we, as free humans, allow it go through, we deserve to be slaves.
— Mac Slavo
© 2009 – 2022 Copyright SHTF Plan

There’s a government sponsored left-wing insurgency in America. “They’re carrying out sporadic terror attacks on police, have threatened and attacked government buildings and rejected government authority.” But that’s okay.

The censorship algorithms have been implemented and are working as planned. News and propaganda filters are being fully applied and delusional opinions are running rampant as things move towards distraction disinformation and the next stupid thing. Ignorance abounds.

And, all this is no secret either, right?