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America’s Manchurian Candidate and It’s Puppet President


As if it were not obvious … Surprisingly following the original movie plot, “The Manchurian Candidate” is Valerie Jarrett. She was “Manchuria’s” candidate for the presidency. Barack Obama is installed in order for Valerie Jarrett to see that their (“Manchuria’s”) interests were represented. Eric Holder is only a tool to ensure Barack Obama’s (who is only a puppet) installation, being controlled by Valerie Jarrett. Barack Obama, being a necessary puppet since women could not be elected. Valerie Jarrett is the Manchurian Candidate. You do not have to be “installed” into office in order to control it. Much like ancient times Kings ruled the countries but they were ruled by the Queens (who ruled the Kings).

Hence we have the following:
Eric Holder (updated to Loretta Lynch) = Tool
Barack Obama, a.k.a ? = Puppet
Valerie Jarrett = Manchurian Candidate

Case in point:

Valerie Jarrett Obama’s ‘real chief of staff’

With the seating of the new Congress today, Barack Obama is officially a lame-duck president.  That means that insiders and former insiders feel freer to start telling tales, a process already underway.  The latest example comes from today’s Politico Playbook, which is the gossipy daily morning read of the entire D.C. political establishment.

Today, Playbook offers excerpts from a new book, America’s Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Backroom Deals, and the Fight to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System, by Steven Brill, founder of The American Lawyer and a media heavyweight who has obviously been talking with insiders.  He says he spoke with 243 people, many of them multiple times, over 27 months.  He confirms that Jarrett exercises extraordinary influence.

“As a practical matter, … Obama advisers maintained, [Valerie] Jarrett was the real chief of staff on any issues that she wanted to weigh in on … Asked about the assessments of … five senior officials that Jarrett was ‘the real chief of staff,’ Obama declined comment.” (p. 70)

Thomas Lifson, American Thinker

Of course it could be even more sinister as Valerie Jarrett also takes on the character of ‘Obama’s Rasputin

… Rasputin, of course, was the reputed Russian “mystic” who served as the private and enormously influential adviser to the final Russian czar, Nicholas II, and especially his wife, Alexandra. Utterly unprepared and unqualified for the position of czar, Nicholas made mistake after mistake, and worse, was inflexible and disinterested in his own people. (Sound like any leader you know?) Rasputin, though secretive – he supposedly never spoke in public – exerted an uncanny influence on the czar and czarina, while also contributing greatly to the royal family’s ever-deepening isolation from the public. Ultimately the out-of-touch monarch, aided by the mysterious Rasputin, inadvertently led Russia into the 1917 revolution, the czar’s abdication and civil war.

… No doubt historians will look back and ask how it’s possible that America’s 44th president, Barack Hussein Obama, could possibly have been so disastrously out of touch with reality, so consistently wrongheaded in his decisions, never course-correcting in any meaningful way despite staggering evidence at every juncture. With the clarity and objectivity that comes with the passage of time, they will surely conclude as many have, a great deal of credit goes to Valerie Jarrett.

Yes in any case, we seemed to have once again discovered that someone doesn’t actually have to be “installed” into office in order to control it. At least that’s the way it is looking from this vantage point.

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