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A ship without a rudder …


“The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder…” ~ Thomas Carlyle

A ship without a rudder drifts aimlessly, tossed to and fro at the mercy of wind and wave. Yet without wind in it’s sail it stands still, or is guided only by the currents of the sea; and even if it doesn’t sink it will never be able to reach it’s destination and all aboard the vessel shall perish.

Once a Thief …

Sometimes it isn’t necessary to steal a baby’s pacifier to convince observer’s that you suck.

It does get worse.

When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse.

…you don’t have actively to like the Strong Horse; you simply have to recognize that the other guy is the Weak Horse, and therefore a bad bet for your future.

An allegory originally articulated by Osama bin Laden twenty years ago, and as quoted shortly thereafter in the front of America Alone,  by Mark Steyn


A Weak Horse status can get conferred incrementally:

~ China swallows Hong Kong with nary a peep of protest from the west: Weak Horse;

~ The Wuhan Institute of Virology infects the planet and pays no price from America and Europe: Weak Horse;

~ Washington approves Russian pipeline to Germany while canceling Canadian pipeline to America,and then begs the miraculously resurrected OPEC to increase production – which they decline to do: Weak Horse.

Unmitigated Disasters: Biden’s First Months Have Been Some of America’s Worst.
By Raheem J. Kassam
Published: August 15, 2021
The National Pulse (edited)

The presidency of Joseph Robinette Biden has been an unmitigated disaster from the get go. There’s no other way to say it, and the political left knows it as much as the right.

Afghanistan may be the latest example of how Biden and his team (actually, mostly his team) took a Trumpy idea and butchered it. The same goes for his coronavirus strategy, his U.S. border policy, and even with the “infrastructure” bill.

It’s not just a return to declinist, uniparty politics. Joe Biden’s government has thus far appealed to the worst instincts of a totalitarian left at home, and the worst instincts of the relativistic left abroad. Still, why should we be surprised? Even Barack Obama tried to warn America prior to the November 2020 election.

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up,” Obama was quoted as saying last August. He went further, asserting: “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”

That’s about as damning as Obama could’ve been considering the man served as his Vice President for eight years. He had a point. Joe didn’t and doesn’t have it. But it’s not really Joe Biden leading this monstrosity of a government.

I don’t think that lets Biden off the hook. Had Trump presided over such a pathetic withdrawal from Afghanistan, House Democrats would’ve drafted articles of impeachment by close of business on the day the presidential palace got taken by the Taliban. Today. As I write this.

And it’s especially galling to watch this take place from New York City, as Afghan expats march in the streets of America instead of the streets of Kabul, demanding someone does something. There’s the problem. They already did.

Afghanistan was obviously a fool’s errand, perhaps unavoidable in some way after 9/11. But what could have been avoided was 20-year deployment, and the mission creep from defeating the Taliban to founding a Jeffersonian republic in South Asia. Blame for such things lies at the feet of every American man and woman who didn’t protest vociferously enough to stop such a moronic endeavor. You can’t just keep blaming politicians. This is what they do. The public has a duty – especially when it’s costing $2 trillion and 240,000 lives – to intervene against its governing class.

Over 4000 members of the U.S. military and non-governmental contractors were killed during this war, and 20,000+ were wounded. The cost of this engagement should be the subject of wide-ranging public inquiries which would naturally lead to prosecutorial action in any just world. And why the hell can a human being still not take a can of Coca-Cola on a plane?

Real accountability is probably more of a pipe dream than thinking the Taliban was eradicated after 2001. The next best thing is to reign in the power of the state, and that’s where one would hope the Republican Party would come in.

There have, of course, been a handful of hyper-effective Republicans on Capitol Hill and beyond in the past few months. The media launches daily incursions against the characters of Sen. Rand Paul, Rep. Matt Gaetz, and Ron DeSantis. CNN’s own technical director Charlie Chester who was caught on hidden camera:

“If the agenda, say, is to get, like, Matt Gaetz right now, he’s like this Republican… He’s a problem for the Democratic Party because he’s so conservative, right? And he can cause a lot of hiccups in passing of laws and whatnot. So, it would be great for the Democratic Party to get him out. So we’re going to keep running those stories to keep hurting him and make it so that it can’t be buried and, like, just settled outside of court. And just like, you know, if we keep pushing that, it’s helping us. That’s propaganda because it’s helping us in some way.”

The propaganda merchants don’t just stop and smearing the opponents of their political bedfellows, either. CNN’s coverage of the downfall of America in Afghanistan has been woeful, with White House correspondent Jeremy Diamond scrambling for words to excuse the Biden regime’s abdication of responsibility.

But Republicans scarcely miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Instead of getting up and holding the microphone on the subject all weekend long, Republican leadership simply called for Biden to address the nation himself, effectively demanding the left controls the narrative. Weak.

And what could Biden say, anyway?

“Come on, man! Uh, um, um, uh… so I don’t recognize the Taliban and uh, um, it’s time to… rub my hairy legs.”

Then he’d walk off down the wrong garden path, again. 

It’s the people around Joe Biden making this happen. A special kind of moment in a nation’s history where the public is made to feel hollowed, humiliated, and despondent over a situation they took little say in, and that may have cost their families everything. My heart aches for the families of the military members whose lives were snuffed out in the name of experimental adventurism. What a clusterfuck. I’m sorry. I can’t even say they didn’t die in vain. They did.

That’s the most difficult thing to reckon with. And it isn’t just the deaths of allied servicemen and women. It’s everyone who suffered needlessly. Millions upon millions of people. A horror that never needed to go down this way, and topped off by an historic, tail-between-legs moment that will undermine America on the international stage for decades to come. Maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe that’s precisely the kind of humble pie the political class in the U.S. needs. But that presupposes they even feel shame.

Ron Klain. Anthony Blinken. Jake Sullivan. Unmitigated disasters.

How wonderful it would be that this only applied to Afghanistan. It doesn’t.

Americans are suffering major inflationary shocks in their everyday lives. The U.S. border is almost totally porous. Joe Biden claimed to have a plan for COVID and yet it has never been so prevalent in America as it is today. The concept of civil liberties has all but disappeared from the national discourse. Top academics, healthcare professionals, and military officials are busy peddling Marxist education theories rather than doing their actual jobs.

It’s may all feel hopeless at this point. Maybe it is. Maybe America’s future is as empty as Joe Biden’s gaze. But I still think (and hope) that ordinary Americans will have something to say about it. The world really needs you to.

Author: Raheem Kassam is the Editor-in-Chief of the National Pulse, a Lincoln fellow at the Claremont Institute, and a fellow at the Bow Group think tank. Kassam is an academic advisory board member at the Institut des Sciences Sociales, Economiques et Politiques in Lyon, France. He resides in Washington, D.C.

Considering the incredible magnitude of this fiasco, it is being under-reported by the media, just as we’d expect. Meanwhile, Biden gets worse daily – his dementia doesn’t reverse, and this leaves our country in a perilous state, and as our citizens and our enemies watch. What is it they will see?

Nowhere Man

He’s a real nowhere man
Sitting in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody

Doesn’t have a point of view
Knows not where he’s going to

Nowhere Man, please listen
You don’t know what you’re missing
Nowhere Man, the world is at your command

He’s as blind as he can be
Just sees what he wants to see
Nowhere Man can you see at all?


Lyrics Composed by The Beatles

See Also
EXC: Joe Biden’s State Dept Halted a Trump-Era ‘Crisis Response’ Plan Aimed at Avoiding Benghazi-Style Evacuations Just MONTHS Before Taliban Takeover.

Joe Biden’s State Department moved to cancel a critical State Department program aimed at providing swift and safe evacuations of Americans out of crisis zones just months prior to the fall of Kabul…

Corpsing with the Taliban

With respect to Afghanistan, the puppeteers waggling the dead husk that is Joe Biden have made a political calculation – that, on the home front, the fact of departure will count for more than the manner of departure. Joe’s not a ubiquitous figure in the news cycle the way Trump was, so he can sit in the basement for a few more days – and, in electoral terms, America’s total humiliation in its umpteenth unwon war in some krappistan no one can find on a map will ultimately work for the Dems.


Yes, the Biden administration provides us with a completely different perception of Psycho-Politics.

Yet here we find an enlightening parallel to consider:

This is what the Soviets experienced in the mid-1980s with Konstantin Chernenko, (The Soviet character most comparable to Joe Biden) according to Wikipedia:

Historian John Lewis Gaddis describes him as “an enfeebled geriatric so zombie-like as to be beyond assessing intelligence reports, alarming or not” when he succeeded Andropov in 1984.

In early 1984, Chernenko was hospitalized for over a month but kept working by sending the Politburo notes and letters. During the summer, his doctors sent him to Kislovodsk for the mineral spas, but on the day of his arrival at the resort Chernenko’s health deteriorated, and he contracted pneumonia. Chernenko did not return to the Kremlin until later in 1984. He awarded Orders to cosmonauts and writers in his office, but was unable to walk through the corridors of his office and was driven in a wheelchair.

By the end of 1984, Chernenko could hardly leave the Central Clinical Hospital, a heavily guarded facility in west Moscow, and the Politburo was affixing a facsimile of his signature to all letters, as Chernenko had done with Andropov’s when he was dying. Chernenko’s illness was first acknowledged publicly on 22 February 1985 during a televised election rally in Kuibyshev Borough of northeast Moscow, where the General Secretary stood as candidate for the Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR, when Politburo member Viktor Grishin revealed that the General Secretary was absent in accordance with doctors’ advice. Two days later, in a televised scene that shocked the nation, Grishin dragged the terminally ill Chernenko from his hospital bed to a ballot box to vote. On 28 February 1985, Chernenko appeared once more on television to receive parliamentary credentials and read out a brief statement on his electoral victory: “the election campaign is over and now it is time to carry out the tasks set for us by the voters and the Communists who have spoken out”.

Emphysema and the associated lung and heart damage worsened significantly for Chernenko in the last three weeks of February 1985. According to the Chief Kremlin doctor, Yevgeny I. Chazov, Chernenko had also developed both chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. On 10 March at 15:00, Chernenko fell into a coma and died later that evening at 19:20. He was 73 years old. An autopsy revealed the cause of death to be a combination of chronic emphysema, an enlarged and damaged heart, congestive heart failure and liver cirrhosis.

–From Wikipedia (edited)

The whole Joe senile-a-thon has given way to speculation about puppet masters, same as happened in the enfeebled Soviet power void desperate to cling to power.

In Joe’s case, who are they?  Maybe hedge fund guys, or Jill Biden playing Edith Wilson, or the California political machine of Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, and that bunch, or moneybags like George Soros.  But Obama is particularly salient in the mix, given his greed for power, desire to defend his sorry legacy, and actual experience in the job.  If anyone is telling Joe what to do, it’s probably Obama, who, unlike Joe, still has a residual amount of popularity and a waning amount of charisma.

Does this amount to a third term for Obama?  It definitely might appear that way.  And that’s creepy, given that not only was Joe Biden not elected freely and fairly, given his fraudulent election, but neither was Obama.  Bad as Joe is, he got some votes, though, and Obama got none.  Obama’s not allowed a third term, but we can recall how much he talked about creating one.  Here’s another thing: he doesn’t even like Joe.  His contempt for the dotard is legendary.

It appears that despite all these factors, Obama seems to stealthy be taking charge in the shadows.  Joe’s been out of commission for awhile, and this is sorry stuff.  Just don’t call it “democracy.”

[Edited excerpt]

Read more: “Obama taking his third term at the Biden White House?” By Monica Showalter, via American Thinker


And in case there are those who cannot remember how the previous deconstruction of America turned out by a Democrat infused administration, here is a refresher:

Posted from elsewhere:

Bill: “Hey Ted, did you hear about the Obama administration scandal?,
Ted: “You mean the Mexican gun running?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “You mean about Joe Biden selling out SEAL Team 6?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Obama saying the avg family would save $2,500 on their premiums?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Forcing businesses to violate their religious beliefs by paying for drugs that abort the unborn?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Violating the rights and sanctity of our Churches?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Spending $634 million on a website that doesn’t work?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Obama calling for an increase in our debt when he lambasted Bush for the very same thing?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Obama having NSA spy on 124 Billion Phone Calls in One Month?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Saddling our kids with $17 trillion in debt of which they can never get out of and will not have as good a life as we have?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Bailing out Detroit after decades of corrupt Democratic management?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “You mean the State Dept. lying about Benghazi?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “You mean voter fraud?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Intentionally trying to hurt Americans during the sequester?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Blocking veterans who secured our freedoms from their monuments but giving the green light for Illegals to use Monument Mall?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Denying school kids the ability to tour the White House but still spending lavishly on his parties?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “You mean Obama saying we can keep our insurance and doctors if we wanted to?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “You mean the military not getting their votes counted?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “The NSA monitoring foreign diplomats?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “You mean the use of drones in our own country without the benefit of the law?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million and right after it declared bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “You mean the president aiding and arming the Muslim Brotherhood?”
Bill: “No the other one:.
Ted: “The IRS targeting conservatives?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “The DOJ spying on the press?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Sebelius shaking down health insurance executives?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “You mean Obama spending $3.7 Trillion on Welfare Over Last 5 Years”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Giving SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 months later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything else?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Millions of Americans losing their health care coverage?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Forcing Americans to include coverage in their insurance policies of items they do not want?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Ordering the release of nearly 10,000 illegal immigrants from jails and prisons, and falsely blaming the sequester?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Denying Arizona the right to protect its borders?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Providing weapons to Syrian rebels many of whom apparently are Al Queda”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “The president’s repeated violation of the law requiring him to submit a budget no later than the first Monday in February?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “The 2012 vote where 115% of all registered voters in some counties voted 100% for Obama?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “The president’s unconstitutional recess appointments in an attempt to circumvent the Senate’s advise-and-consent role?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “The State Department interfering with an Inspector General investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “Clinton, the IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “The President using nearly $1 trillion dollars of stimulus money to fund his cronies?”
Bill: “No, the other one”
Ted: “You mean Fast & Furious?”
Bill: “No, the other one.”
Ted: “I give up! …Oh wait, I think I got it! You mean that 65 million low-information voters who don’t pay taxes and get free stuff from taxpayers and stuck us again with the most pandering, corrupt administration in American history?”
Ted: Gee Bill that was definitely not an excellent adventure.
Bill: No Ted, No it wasn’t.

Nothing was heard from Bill or Ted after The Obama’s were cast out of office and Trump excellently won the election by beating Hillary Clinton. There was much weeping of liberal tears.

Time passes and so begins another Bogus Adventure.

Both: I hear Beavis and Butthead just got elected. No way dude … Bogus!

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